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Lifestyle Fashion

The best sunscreen to protect you from the sun

Before the sun got its bad reputation, the sun was quite beneficial. In fact, there are a number of benefits that we can receive from the sun. The sun is even necessary for optimal health because it is responsible for a variety of necessary functions. These necessary functions include...

What is the difference between a psychic and a medium?

Do you have the gift of being psychic or perhaps you have not yet tapped into your natural talent? Every person has psychic capacity; some say it is our sixth sense. This can be developed by tuning in and improving your intuition or inner knowing. A psychic is an...

Psychic Attack: Spiritual Purification and Lace Cutting

Power thieves are everywhere! They are your family members, your friends and your co-workers and YOU can even be one of them. A more common name is a psychic vampire and we all know what vampires do! In this case, the vampire is sucking up our life energy, depleting...

My boyfriend wants space, should I give it to him?

Of all the things your boyfriend can say during the course of your relationship, “I need some space” is the most confusing. Your stomach sinks. Suddenly you feel nauseous. A thousand things go through your mind and none of them are good. Did I do something wrong? Will you...

Fight candida with exercise and sweating

If you are looking for a candida cure, having a regular sauna session could help you significantly. Saunas and exercise are known for their healing and detoxifying powers. Not only will you get fit and energetic, but you will see a rapid change in your health. People who sweat...

Being in the moment is a thing of the past

Once upon a time, about ten or twenty years ago, people believed that it was essential to be in the moment. In fact, people thought that the closer you lived to the present, the more in touch with your senses you were. They truly believed that life was fleeting...

What are the requirements to be a member of the Illuminati?

For those who believe in the Illuminati order and just want to know a few basic requirements before joining, we’ll see how. But first we have to talk about this group called Illuminati, I am not going to delve into whether it is real or false, or whether it...

The benefits of wearing cufflinks

If you, like many men, think that cufflinks are outdated or something only wealthy people wear, you are wrong. There are many reasons to invest in a pair of cufflinks. Next, we will discuss the benefits of owning and wearing cufflinks. Why wear cufflinks? Cufflinks not only complete your...

Choice, chance, and signs of gratitude

“Start each day with a grateful heart” is printed on a wooden sign that a friend gave me. I have that inspirational message hanging on the wall opposite my bed. It reminds me first thing in the morning to be grateful. Such a simple but sometimes very difficult instruction...

Twin flames and trio flames

There are many different terms that are used to differentiate the relationships between souls and how that meaning transcends our human existence seems to cause a lot of confusion. Twin flames and soulmates are just some of the names given to the relationship between two energies in the soul...