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Lifestyle Fashion

Akashic Records: Scientific Fact or Imagination?

Akashic Records, to put it very simply, is a cosmic library without borders. Although it is incomparable to any earthly library, one can compare it to an earthly library for the purpose of understanding. Just as any terrestrial library contains information and knowledge, this cosmic library also contains knowledge...

Herbal tampons: how to make a herbal tampon

Herbal tampons have been used for hundreds of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine to introduce herbs into the fallopian tubes, strengthen the reproductive system, and unblock them to help women achieve pregnancy. They provide women with blocked tubes, pelvic inflammatory disease, or tubal infections an effective, drug-free, and non-surgical...

Control penis odor caused by alcohol

For many, this summer has been especially hot, and more than a few guys have tackled that intense heat situation by eliminating a good deal of the cold. While an ice cold beer can feel especially good when the temperature rises, it is possible that drinking alcohol, whether in...

Are demonic possessions real?

As the song goes, ‘He’s a fool who makes it great at making the world a little colder.’ But he was playing it cool. I didn’t want to be caught believing in fairy tales. I was an intellectual, whatever that means. Now I call that state of cognitive dissonance....

Native American Astrology: Is the Snow Goose Your Totem?

In Native American astrology, there are twelve moons and twelve signs that create the astrological system and that form the basis of your twelve-month calendar. Those twelve signs are based on the Native American medicine wheel. In this article, we will look at the first sign. If you were...

11 fashion tips on how to look slimmer

1. Buy clothes that fit well. Do not use anything that makes bulges or rolls stick out. 2. Don’t be fooled by the size: if you’re a size 16, don’t pretend you’re a 14. Own your size! On certain brands and styles, you may even be one size larger...

Importance of flower arrangements in people’s daily lives

The flower is always considered as a beautiful creation of nature, which can increase people’s mental energy as they feel mentally satisfied and joyful when seeing the colorful flowers and smelling the sweet scent of these flowers. This is why the habit of placing some flowers around the home...