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Hypnosis and its influence on athletes who win championships

It has been known for decades that hypnosis can significantly improve athletic performance, yet many struggling professionals do not seize the opportunity to seize this opportunity to seriously maximize their potential. This article describes many famous athletes who have used the services of a hypnotherapist or some form of...

Turtle alert

“Turtle alert,” my wife yelled as she looked out the kitchen window to report a movement in our backyard. “Laziness on my part will spawn a second louder horn call,” Turtle Alert! “Should I foolishly ignore the call because I’m in some important function (like a video game), repeat...

Supplements for Lyme disease

The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates 100,000 new cases of Lyme disease each year. Considering the difficulty of diagnosing a bacterium with 50 known strains and the ability to mimic other diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, MS, and Alzheimer’s, the statistics may be much higher. Lyme disease...

Big Heroes: Little People

Second grade was a very special year for me. It was in second grade that we really started developing close friendships and telling secrets. It was exciting to know something about you that your parents didn’t know. Like falling into the swamp on the way to school. That was...

The Royal Pug

People love Pugs! There is something about that rogue face that tugs at the strings of your heart. This dignified toy breed is loved by royalty and commoners alike. These loving and intelligent little clowns are extremely popular, ranking 12th out of 154 dog breeds registered by the American...

Choose from various reptile cages and terrariums

If you are the type of pet owner who loves to raise cold-blooded animals as a hobby, then you must be familiar with the equipment these species need, including a suitable home. However, with so many of these reptile cages and terrariums available on the market today, it will...

The family cat: pet or wild animal?

Cats and dogs have long been an integral part of many families Cats are second only to dogs in popularity family pets. But of course cats have not always been domesticated pet we know today. It is difficult to trace the origin of cats, but some scientists believe that...

The practice of whitening buckets of water

It’s a great feeling when the stables have been cleaned and all the horses have been shelled, haystacked and watered. All the halters are hung outside the stalls, the aisles have been swept. It is a beautiful morning, neither cold nor hot. It’s okay. The birds are singing. There...

Dog names for Valentine’s Day

Every February 14, we celebrate Valentine’s Day in many countries. It is the day we show love to our loving partner. Traditionally, we send flowers, gifts, greeting cards, or treats. In many cases, we give the puppy gift. We are going to show how to find the puppy’s name....