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Clicker Training Your French Bulldog: Is It Right For You?

You’re in the park with your French Bulldog “Simon” one day and you see someone pointing out what looks like a small garage door opener to their golden retriever. Wondering if he stepped on a movie set, watch for a minute to see what’s going on. The golden retriever...

The best games to play with dogs

Dogs can be a lot of fun, especially if you do things they like. There is nothing like playing with a dog who has an inexhaustible supply of energy and enthusiasm for what he does. You’ll get great exercise and your dog will love it too. Here are some...

Piranha: deadly and delicious

They had it even before we knew what was going on. My wand leaned in prayer to something below the surface of the tea-colored water. The six-pound test line danced like a cat on hot pavement. All hell had broken loose. Beads of sweat rolled down Doris’s back. His...

An itchy penis could be due to compression shorts

There are penile health problems of much greater importance than penile itching, but few that recur as often or that all men can relate to. Whether it’s the occasional urge to scratch or the urge for a chronic itchy penis condition, all men can sympathize with the desire not...

Best Places to Find Female Bettas for Sale

Female betta fish are a treasure among betta enthusiasts around the world. Not only are they absolutely gorgeous, but they have the most amazing personalities. Although some can be quite feisty and aggressive and enjoy being in their own tank, some are so laid-back that they can live peacefully...

A study of cats and humans

Have you ever wondered what your cat is thinking? Well, the truth is, I can’t tell you what your cat thinks, but I can tell you a bit about how he thinks. Cats and humans share many similarities when it comes to the brain. Of course our brain is...

Some basic information about the Golden Retriever

This dog is the fourth most popular breed in the United States and extremely popular in Europe as well. Their beautiful golden coat and energetic nature make them the perfect family dog. He’s also trained in assisting the blind, detecting drugs, and assisting with search and rescue, so there...

16 essential oils for your dog

Essential oils can produce the desired result faster than herbs. One drop of peppermint oil equals 26 cups of peppermint tea. Essential oils have multiple effects in which many medications generally have only one medical property plus negative side effects. Some health professionals do not recommend applying essential oils...

Maltese: History of the breed

Few breeds are as beloved as the Maltese. This intelligent and loving pet is popular around the world with the rich and famous, as well as commoners. The Maltese is a playful and adventurous little dog with a rich history dating back more than 28 centuries. As with all...