Do I have clairvoyance? – Psychic Guide

You often hear people talk about clairvoyance, but there are two other psychic abilities similar to clairvoyance that not everyone knows about. These are “clairaudience” and “clairsentience.” Respectively, they mean “clear hearing” and “clear feeling”.

Clairsentence is a psychic ability that allows the psychic to feel, or rather feel, with their psychic intuition. In the same way that a clairvoyant psychic can receive visions or images, a clairvoyant psychic receives feelings or impulses. Such feelings are said to come from the “gut” of the psychic, as they are often described as especially strong “gut feelings”. In fact, these intuitive impulses do not come from the guts of a psychic, but from her clairvoyant intuition.

Have you ever been in a situation where you instinctively knew something was wrong? This is similar to what a clair-conscious psychic might feel, except the feeling would be much stronger. Psychics with the gift of clairvoyance are especially sensitive to the world around them. They may pick up on things, or feel things, that others just inadvertently miss. This can even include animal cues. In extreme cases, clairsentient psychics have been known to become ill due to the intensity of the feelings they receive.

Clairvoyance is often associated with another psychic ability called “empathy.” A psychic empath is capable of feeling the feelings of other people and will sometimes feel what that person is feeling. Clairsentient intuition generally involves receiving instincts, impulses, and strong feelings of right and wrong. Empathy, on the other hand, involves feeling a broader spectrum of emotions without a clear guiding instinct.

Do I have clairvoyance?

Psychics can possess different degrees of clairvoyance. Some know they possess this ability right away, while others only realize it after a long time.

A good indicator of whether or not you have clairsentience is if you often get strong “hunches” that later turn out to be true. As mentioned above, this is your psychic intuition sending you “clear feeling” instincts and messages.

Another good indicator is whether or not you are receiving feelings or instincts that have nothing to do with what is going on around you. The feelings may seem completely random and out of place, but you still feel like they are very important.

One last useful indicator of possessing clairsentience is whether you have consistently found your inner feelings to be more reliable than your other senses, such as sight or touch.

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