Do you always know what you want?

Do you really know what you want and are you prepared to do whatever it takes to achieve it?

I have been watching a TV show called “Seven Year Switch”. When I saw it advertised, I thought it would be a youth group like “Love Island”, not my cup of tea, however, I saw the second episode by chance and realized that it was a serious attempt to fix the failed associations. I got hooked.

By pairing up with another partner, each person was able to realize their flaws with the help of their new temporary partner, who was able to see the situation from a new perspective. This encouraged dialogue. With the result that three of the four couples decided to work on their differences and make their relationships work. During this period they were helped by two counselors

This got me thinking about the situation many couples find themselves in. Overwhelmed by everyday life, it is better to lose sight of what you really want and how to support the fulfillment of dreams for yourself and other family members.

So many times no one talks about irritations, desires or hurt feelings that are buried to resurface periodically as harsh words and fights. We seem to have missed the point of really communicating our wants, needs, hopes, and desires in a loving way. Anger is at the forefront of relationships, everyone seems stressed, selfishness and consideration seem to have taken over.

Even world leaders like Donald Trump and Boris Johnson are known for their thoughtless tweets and comments. Diplomacy seems to have gone out the window!

Anger at the wheel abounds instead of courtesy and good old-fashioned manners. Youngsters use and make drills in schools and on the streets harassing residents as well as threatening staff, in schools and hospital and even firefighters are attacked in some areas. Why is there such a break in good, disciplined family values?

These misguided, often knife-wielding, gang-banging youths don’t seem to know what they really want out of life, nor do they have the desire to live a law-abiding existence. They follow the wrong role models and get angry for wanting to do something better.

Sometimes companies lose their way and without changing strategies can suffer huge losses.

So to get what you want from your relationships, your job or business, your hobby, or your life in general, stop and think and then reach out to those around you and listen to their needs as well. Learn to compromise and you will be in a happy place.

I am a big fan of positive attitude books and the power of the mind to change things and achieve goals. These can be particularly useful if you are going through a rough patch. In essence, they all say: you are the captain of your ship, steer it in the direction you want to find yourself in or you may end up on the rocks!

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