Does Bill Gates do more good when he keeps his money or when he gives it away?

The question of whether Bill Gates is doing more good when he saves his money or when he gives it away is an interesting one. In which of these two scenarios does humanity benefit the most? Before you dismiss this as a clearly ridiculous query, one not even worth considering, give this some thought.

When you’re worth tens of billions of dollars, where do you keep your stash? Do you hide it under your mattress? That would be a very lumpy sleeping surface; as a billionaire, you are unlikely to put up with such discomfort.

What about burying your fortune in the backyard? With all that loot, you’re not going to do any digging. After all, you didn’t get rich digging holes in the ground, but using your noodle, and you’re not going to start manual labor now. However, you could have the gardener plant the funds in Azalea’s bed, but this might not be a good idea either. Not to spew slander on landscapers everywhere, but what is there to keep? his (I don’t want to be sexist here) to dig up the treasure when you’re not around and head to the South Sea Islands?

people with obscene (as some might think) amounts of money (the perspective that many, who do not understand capitalism, cling to) do not hide it, they invert it. They reinvest it in their businesses so they can grow bigger, get stronger, and offer their customers better value for money. They also invest it in other people’s companies, which results in these other entrepreneurs having money to expand their businesses; In the process, they take advantage of the miracle of compound interest and make even more money as a result.

What is the result of all this wealth in the hands of a single capitalist? In the case of Bill Gates:

  • His company, Microsoft, and its extensions, have generated approximately 12,000 millionaires and four billionaires.
  • As of 2009, there were 93,000 employees who received very good income and excellent benefits for themselves and their families.
  • Many other companies that do business with Microsoft, and others, flourish and can employ untold numbers of people, and many new and existing businesses have access to the capital they need
  • All of these well-employed individuals and their families have money to spend in their local communities, as well as nationally and globally.
  • As a result, there is plenty of money available to give to any number of worthwhile causes and charities, if these people so choose.
  • The Gates Foundation, as of 2009, has an endowment of $33.5 billion, of which it has donated a minimum of $1.5 billion to worthwhile causes annually.

Now let’s look around the corner. What if, after making his first million or two, Bill Gates had decided that having a couple million dollars was all anyone should have or needs to have and took his small fortune and closed shop? What if he had decided to retire early and live off the interest on his first income of a million dollars or two? Let’s say he decided to take $500,000 of his money to start a foundation to give grants to those in need. Giving away interest on half a million dollars each year, at an average of 10% interest, he could give away about $50,000 per year. In 20 years he would have donated about a million dollars to worthwhile causes, not bad. Of course, he would not have created 12,000 millionaires who, if they gave just a measly $1,000 each to charity, would be giving away 12 million PER YEAR, twelve times what Bill could give, under this early retirement scenario, in 20! YEARS!

Of course, we all know that Bill Gates didn’t take his first two million and run. He did what many successful entrepreneurs do every year; he risked it all by reinvesting the money he had earned in the business with the hope and faith that you could make even more money and better serve your customers with ever better products and services that would improve their lives.

As a result of keeping most of his money for the early years, Bill Gates now has a foundation that can, with matching funds, donate billions of dollars here in the US and around the world, improving quality of life. for countless people. And this doesn’t even include all the money donated to charity by all the billionaires and millionaires as a result of his business acumen. Keep in mind that every little billion is a billion or a thousand times what Bill Gates could have given to the needy in 20 YEARS, if he had gotten philanthropic too soon or too boring.

We see that when a rich person like Bill Gates keeps his money for himself, he doesn’t really keep it for himself, because this money is kept in circulation, growing the economy, creating countless jobs in countless businesses across the country. and the world. . Even when a rich person spends his money on party food, a yacht, or clothing, he helps keep party shops, yacht shops, and clothing stores profitable so they can continue to employ his staff. The truth is that the more rich people there are, and the richer they are, the more there is for everyone else in that economy, unless the rich “stuff it under the mattress.”

Does this truth hold true for one’s health and fitness, as well as financial matters? Here’s my question to you: When it comes to your health and fitness, is it better to take care of yourself or your loved ones first? If we allow ourselves to get depressed and sick because we ignore our own well-being while helping our loved ones, how much help will we then be to them? Making our own well-being our top priority creates more energy, strength, and vitality to care for those we love. When we’ve taken the time to stay super healthy and fit, we’re also good role models and a positive example to everyone in our circle of influence, including strangers we pass on the street.

Bill Gates kept most of his money (invested it) for decades and we are all the beneficiaries of this election. As a result of taking care of his business (taking care of himself and his “family” FIRST), he and those he helped to become rich are now able to help many, many more. We can learn from this model, whether we are talking about finances or health.

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