Effective teaching with interactive whiteboard resources

The latest technology that has proven its worth in classroom sessions is the Interactive Whiteboard (IWB), also known as a Smart Whiteboard. Smart whiteboards have made classrooms more interactive than ever before. The main challenge facing all the teachers around the world is to constantly capture the attention of the students during the sessions. Interactive whiteboards help make learning and the classroom interactive and engaging students. Students like technology and have the ability to pick it up faster. They also get excited, which keeps them focused and improves concentration levels.

The technology is not restricted to teachers; however, teachers can also engage students in using the smart boards, making them feel cared for. Students can make their own drawings, presentations and explain them using the whiteboards. Computer use is very common and most children are well accustomed to keyboard keys as they play games regularly. A computer is connected to the IWB and the same screen is displayed on the whiteboard through a projector.

Teachers can also plan some short movies or make use of all the web resources to engage students with the help of the whiteboard. Due to the connection of computer and internet resources, the study programs are not restricted and teachers are helped by online information. The additional information can help any student who is having trouble understanding the subject with the limited information in the available books. Interactive whiteboard resources have helped both teachers and students in many ways.

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