El Escorial and the Royal Palace of Aranjuez Spain

Spain is mainly known for its food because the cuisine of almost every country in the world has a hint of Spanish flavor mainly due to the Spanish expeditions that happened long ago. However, being one of the first European countries to have very established monarchies, it is not hard to believe that Spain has more than just tasty and colorful food to offer. Just like your royal flag of Spain, this country is also a place packed with majestic and grandiose sites to see.

El Escorial, which is the historical residence of the King of Spain, is considered the best emblematic place of its capital, Madrid. Being a UNESCO World Heritage Site, El Escorial is visited by millions of tourists from all over the world every year. In its defense and dedication to Catholicism, Spain modeled the architecture of El Escorial after the description of King Solomon’s temple in the Bible. The building has many sections that were made for the purpose of large royal functions. Some of them are the courtyards of the kings, the basilica, the battle room that is full of frescoes of the victories of Spain in different battles, and the pantheon of the princes that housed the children of the kings and some queens. .

Another UNESCO World Heritage site in Madrid is the Palacio Real de Aranjuez, which literally means “The Royal Palace of Aranjuez”, obviously because it is located in Aranjuez, a province of Madrid. It was designed by the same people who built El Escorial. This palace is filled with gardens, water bodies, and recreation spots originally designed to offer comfort and relief to royalty during the dry and dusty seasons.

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