Elton John endorsed by world peace religion

On Monday August 21, 2006, Jake Shears, the lead singer of the band Scissors Sisters, interviewed Sir Elton John at Elton’s home in the south of France. The interview was recently published in the British magazine The Observer Music Monthly. Here is a part of what Elton John had to say about world peace, politics, religion and being gay:

Jake Shears: …”I look around this summer and the last two years and it seems to me that world politics has really changed the gay movement. We are on the brink of world war and there are such horrible things happening with religious clashes.”

Elton John: “I think religion has always tried to turn hatred of homosexual people. Religion promotes hatred and spite against homosexuals…into [former Soviet Bloc] countries like Poland, Latvia and Russia there is a big anti-gay movement and a lot of it is started by the church… I can’t stand any kind of racism or religious hatred; There is so much negativity with people. They used to put gay people in a closet, but now they’re doing it to [certain] religious people. What we should be doing as musicians is trying to bring people together… We can no longer think of homosexuals as ostracized; we can no longer think of Muslims as [ostracised] because of the fundamentalism that exists in Islam. Muslims have to do something to talk about it… From my point of view, I would ban the religion completely, although it has some wonderful things. I love the idea of ​​the teachings of Jesus Christ and the beautiful stories about it, which I loved in Sunday school and I collected all the little stickers and put them in my book. But the reality is that organized religion doesn’t seem to work. It turns people into hateful lemmings and isn’t really compassionate… The world is close to escalating into World War 3 and where are the leaders of each religion? Why aren’t they having a conclave; why don’t they get together? I said this after 9/11 and people thought I was crazy: Instead of more violence, why isn’t there a [meeting of religious leaders]. Everything has to be dialogue, that’s the only way. Get everyone from every religion together and say ‘Listen, this can’t go on. Why do we have all this hate?’… We are all God’s people; we have to get along and the [religious leaders] has to lead the way. If they don’t do it, who else will? They’re not going to do it and it’s left to the musicians or someone else to deal with it. It’s like the peace movement in the sixties: the musicians survived [to people] going out and doing peace concerts, but we don’t seem to do them anymore. It seems like we’re raising funds for Africa and all that, but I think peace is very important. If John Lennon was alive today he would be leading it strong… I’m totally against war but violence is a part of humanity and it’s going to happen but as musicians I think we need to step up and say ‘let’s go’… People don’t seem to protest in the streets anymore, they are always blogging on the internet. They seem to be protesting online, and that’s not good. [enough]. You have to go out and be seen and be vocal, and you have to do it over and over again. People have become apathetic. There was a huge march in London when Britain decided to join the war against Iraq and Tony Blair is on record as saying: “People marching today will have blood on their hands.” It’s back to bite you in the ass… We can’t solve everyone’s problems in the West. what we have done [in Iraq] it has accelerated an inevitable civil war after Saddam Hussein left power. I don’t know the solution. I just know that all we can do as musicians, whether gay or straight, is come together and promote peace. we have been promoting [anti-poverty] but when you do a concert sometimes they forget about their emotions: that’s the power of music and sport – those are the two things that can do that… Dave (Furnish) and I as a couple seem to be the acceptable face of the homosexuality, and that’s great. I have to use that power to try to do what I can, or what we have to do, to try to make the situations in Russia and Poland [better]. I’m going to Poland in two weeks to say something there because the situation is not good. If I’m on Amnesty International’s board of directors, I can’t just sit back and say nothing. It’s not a gay issue; it is a matter of human rights. I’m going to fight for them, either silently behind the scenes or vocally to get me locked up. I can’t just sit; it is no longer in my nature. After all, I am almost 60 years old. I can’t sit back and blindly ignore it, and I won’t.”

Karen Fish of The Temple of Love, The World Peace Religion said today, Sunday November 26, 2006: “Bravo! We applaud Elton John for his wise and courageous comments. The Temple of Love, The World Peace Religion was founded on the 25th February 2005 to answer and resolve the questions raised by Elton John The Temple of Love, The Religion of World Peace makes peace between and unites Christianity, Islam, Judaism and all others and countries in those who all live as the first step towards world peace. Only The World Peace Religion can stand behind Elton John because the rest are calling for the destruction of all non-group members in their Holy Bibles. If you search” Unite Christianity, Islam, Judaism”, you will find 1,000 results and they are all from the Temple of Love, The Religion of World Peace. We unite everyone with their common threads and resolve all your differences once and for all using the plan established by God of Mount Sinai, also known as God the Father, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Allah, Yeho. wah, Elohim, etc. through each of the Biblical prophets of the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Koran and through the prophets of all the religions of God. God’s plan is simple and it works. Only the one word of God from Mount Sinai, “10ve”, stands between humanity and the rapidly approaching fires of the Apocalypse, the extinction of life on Earth forever in World Nuclear War III and its aftermath: the nuclear winter and then ultraviolet summer.” 10ve

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