Emotions: are they darkening?

The planets have aligned in such a way that they make us see, feel, and deal with our emotions. This lineup started this week and will continue for three weeks. Wow, and I thought this was a rough week. How will we handle it 3 weeks?

Have you felt lately that things have come to the surface that need you to make a decision or that require you to look at them and maybe let them go? Or has a situation arisen in a relationship that has forced you to look at your emotions and thoughts? This is what is happening and you are not alone (in more ways than one).

In order for us to move forward on a personal and global level, we must let go of what we no longer need. We need to look at who we really are and begin to live that truth. As we begin to live that truth and share our passions, we realize how connected we really are and how we can make a difference in the bigger picture. Consider this period of time, the labor pains for new things to come in your life and in the world.

We all want to live a life with less stress, more love, more compassion, and more light. We all want people to be successful, we all want people to be happy at their core. And that’s where we come in together. The looser, the more it affects the whole, the looser, the more it affects the whole. It’s like a smile, it’s contagious. As I let go, my step becomes lighter, my light shines brighter, my vibratory level increases. As I do my healing, release those who were involved in situations over time with me to release that negative energy. Then I become more passionate and aware of what and who is around me. I have less luggage to carry so I can help you unload yours in some way. Those around me will feel the effect of my higher vibrational level and will do whatever it takes to get there, or they will disappear from my life.

All of that sounds great to be part of the big picture, but let’s get back to what we’re going through right now. Of course, it will depend on when you were born how this energy will affect you, but if you pay attention to your thoughts and emotions, you will see what you are supposed to heal … For example, I have found myself having to look at my dark emotions this week and how they play a role in my life. I have been forced to look at jealousy, envy and being vulnerable. My first impression, I don’t like this, I would like to put this aside again. Throughout our lives we have been taught to ignore those negative feelings, to push them away. They told us we shouldn’t feel like this.

At this point, the universe tells us that we should be looking at these feelings, we should feel these emotions. We are shown that these are part of us, part of who we really are. We are asked to look at that part of ourselves that we don’t like, that dark side. Without this side of us we are not complete, we are not complete. We need to see the role it plays in our daily lives as it creeps into the back of our minds. It’s actually amazing what happens when you give these dark emotions the recognition they so desperately want. In fact, once recognized, they seem to soften in the light. Each of these dark emotions has a charge, like a battery. This charge controls us. When we acknowledge, accept and send love to this part of us, we take control of the feeling. Thoughts will keep coming back, but over time, as we observe and cope with how we feel, they will disappear simply because they cannot control us. They will continue to be a part of who we are and they will continue to be a part of our lives, but we will be able to recognize them faster and prevent them from wreaking havoc. All they want is the acceptance and love that the happier side of us receives on a regular basis.

As you go through the next few weeks, take the time to deal with what comes up. Allow yourself time during the day to do this work, to be quiet inside and listen. Understand that this healing requires a lot of energy from your body, so take some time to rest when you feel the need. Make sure you eat healthy meals, this will help with the healing process. Drink plenty of water to help flush toxins from your body. It can be very beneficial for you to write down how you feel and how this has played a role in your life, you can always break it down once you are done. Just know that any step you take to get this job done will benefit you in many ways. Keep in mind that you are confident doing this job, and the one on the other side of the dark is a new, more confident beautiful. If, on the other hand, you decide to ignore it, put it aside again, rest assured that it will come back again and again until you are ready to deal with it.

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