Ergonomic laboratory seats

Cumulative trauma disorders (CTD), an occupational disease, have increased exponentially in recent years. Cumulative trauma disorder encompasses various musculoskeletal disorders involving muscles, bones, tendons, etc. Musculoskeletal disorders are mainly due to repetitive movements and/or incorrect static postures that cause excessive stress and strain on parts of the body, especially the lower back. You can protect your body from irreversible damage by adopting proper sitting posture and using proper sitting equipment. Remember the old adage: prevention is better than cure.

Statistics released by the US Department of Labor reveal that more than 60% of musculoskeletal disorders are due to repetitive motion, with carpal tunnel syndrome and tendinitis being the most common. Laboratory workers, like most of their counterparts, are not immune to such cumulative trauma disorders. Laboratory work generally involves microscopes and pipettes. While using these instruments, laboratory workers perform repetitive movements and often maintain an awkward posture without support. This often results in CTDs such as back and neck pain.

Laboratory seating equipment is made of different materials compared to office seating equipment to resist corrosive chemicals, moisture, and static. It also incorporates specialized designs to accommodate different table heights and multiple users. In addition to this, ergonomically designed lab chairs and stools provide a comfortable seating solution. When selecting a lab chair, it is imperative to ensure that it includes a height adjustment mechanism, 360-degree swivel base, and adequate back support for optimal comfort.

However, ergonomically designed laboratory seating is not the only thing and the latest for cumulative trauma disorders. It is important to pay attention to the symptoms of CTDs and see a doctor as soon as possible. Apart from this, it is advisable to take frequent breaks and avoid repetitive movements as much as possible. It is also recommended to avoid awkward postures and exercise to flex the muscles. All of this, along with ergonomic seating, will go a long way in preventing cumulative trauma disorders. You will probably find many more ways to reduce stress in your work environment, but self-assessment and correction should be given paramount importance.

Ergonomic lab seats play a crucial role in building a stress-free work environment and help workers lead a healthy life.

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