Facebook Marketing Strategy: How To Create Your Facebook Business Account

The latest buzzword in online marketing is SMM, or social media marketing. The great popularity of Facebook makes it the ideal platform to promote your business. Here are some ideas on how to make the most of your great marketing potential.

You must have a separate personal and business account on Facebook. For your business account, you have two options. You can create an account that is solely dedicated to your business. The second option is to open another account in the name of a person who will act as a spokesperson for your company. You can hire someone else for this position or you can create your own alter ego. As a spokesperson for your company, your profile should be concise and professional. You also need to create a separate email account for your alter ego where you can route all emails from your business contacts and clients. Once you have these people’s addresses in the new email account, you can allow Facebook to request that these people be added to your friends list in the new account.

To create your business page, look for the button to create a page. This is at facebook.com/pages. The page name cannot be edited once it has been set. To maximize your ranking, add keywords you want to associate with.

Your Page’s profile picture gives you a lot of creative license. You can adapt and modify it to your personal preferences. Profile images can have maximum dimensions of 200px by 600px. You can do a lot with that amount of space. However, keep in mind that for the thumbnail image, Facebook will only display a 170px square. It will trim 15px to the left and right for the margins. To choose which part of your profile picture to display on the thumbnail, use the edit icon feature. The thumbnail editing command will allow you to drag the image to the area you want to capture.

After managing your company profile picture, focus on the content of your page. You can display information about your company in the information tab. You need to make the content concise, informative, and interesting to your potential visitors. Do not forget to use keywords related to your business to maximize the indexing of your page in search engines.

You can create additional tabs on your page, which can be linked to your blog. This will allow you to post any updates from your RSS or Twitter to your wall or a separate tab. There are apps for posting photos or videos, as well as contests and giveaways. Arrange these items so that the most important parts stand out.

The moment you get 25 followers on your page, go to facebook.com/username so you can change your URL to something more easily identifiable with your business.

Take advantage of FBML (Facebook Markup Language) to create an attractive landing page. If you don’t want to start from scratch, take advantage of templates offered by template stores.

You have to work really hard to promote your page. Only 20 percent or less of your total followers will see your page updates on their personal accounts. So, in addition to adding friends, acquaintances, and prospects to your friends list, search for relevant pages, events, and people, and provide feedback whenever your brand is mentioned.

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