Finder Fees for Investing in Real Estate: A Crash Course in Finding Money in Real Estate

If you’re already a real estate investor or just looking for good ways to make money, you may have heard of people making big bucks on finder fees. “Real estate investing finders’ fees” would include finders’ fees for things like tax overages and foreclosures, and money owed to heirs in probate cases where the real estate was left out and subsequently sold by the state.

Basically, when more is offered for a property at auction than is owed in the mortgage, or in taxes, as the case may be, the excess in most cases must be returned to the owner. But as you can imagine, many times homeowners just assume they’ve lost everything and move on, avoiding as much contact as possible with anyone involved with foreclosures. Unfortunately for them, if they don’t solve it in time, the money is lost. These owners are the best to search for finder rates to invest in real estate.

Unlike other unclaimed funds held by the state, due to a loophole few have discovered, this money is not governed by state law. This means there are no limits to what you can charge for your finder fee. The people who work in the business currently get paid 30 to 50%, and their right to do so has been upheld by court cases in several states.

Find the records for these funds, do the legwork to find their missing owners, and connect the two, and you can earn up to five figures per transaction. Since real estate surpluses frequently run into the tens of thousands of dollars, and more surpluses are created every day, you could easily turn finder fees for investing in real estate into a full-time run of six figures a year.

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