Fish ideas for your new aquarium

Ok, so you have installed a new aquarium. The next step is to fill it with fish. But finding the best fish for your aquarium can be tricky because you don’t want one fish to eat another fish! So here are the best fish to start with.


Goldfish are easy to care for and are sold in pet stores everywhere. In fact, food for them is just as easy to find. The main thing in caring for them is to make sure that the water is clean and not to overfeed them.


These are beautiful and easy to care for fish, but they can get very large. So if you get angelfish, make sure your tank is at least 55 gallons in size. Also, make sure you only start with one because they tend to fight each other.


The guppy is a favorite of many aquarium owners because they are fairly cheap to care for and relatively easy to care for. They do not require much feeding because their bellies are small. Of course, they have a reputation for reproducing quite quickly, so you want to make sure you keep an eye on them.


These fish get along well with other species, making them a favorite among fish lovers. They are also exceptionally clean fish, so they are easy to care for in that regard. However, many pet stores do not sell catfish, but they are great to look for.


Platies are very calm fish. Relatively peaceful with other fish. And they come in all sorts of colors and sizes. Also, they are easy to feed, which makes them a good starter fish.


Mollies are another great fish for beginners because they come in all sorts of sizes, shapes, and colors. They also get along well with other fish and prefer a plant-based diet.

neon tetra

The neon tetra is an easy fish to care for. For that reason, they are very popular with aquarium owners. They are small but quite distinctive with their neon blue and red stripes. They are quite calm and love to be in groups.

Rainbow Fish

The rainbow fish is another very calm fish. When they are fully grown, they have the prettiest colors. They are peaceful, get along with other fish, and are easy to keep.


The cichlid is a very striking fish, which makes it suitable for aquariums. They are very popular with fish lovers because they are easy to breed if you wish and they get along with all fish. They need to be kept in warm water.


The Barb can be a bit more aggressive than the other fish mentioned, especially to Angelfish and Tetras. Also, they can be more than a few inches wide. But they are vibrant fish and will certainly entertain any fish lover.

So the fish mentioned above, among others, are easy to find at your pet store or fishmonger. In addition, they are easy to maintain, hardy and will certainly entertain you in your new aquarium.

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