Five reasons why you should consider writing a book

According to recent polls, almost three-quarters of adults would like to write (and publish) a book. And in fact, there is no better time than now to start. For most people, the best option is a nonfiction book based on their experience. There is no question that many fiction writers make a lot of money, but it is much more difficult to enter the fiction market than the non-fiction market. People often look for “known” authors when buying a fiction book. This does not apply in the case of non-fiction books; they are usually looking for information or how to solve a particular problem, and are not concerned with who the author is.

Five good reasons why you should consider writing a nonfiction book are as follows.

  • It’s no easier to get a book published by a major publisher than it has been in the past, but if you can’t get your book published after trying for a few months, you can easily self-publish. Desktop publishing is now, in fact, an excellent option because it is relatively easy (see my book “You should publish a book”). Now there are programs to configure it on the computer to make it look like a book you would find in a bookstore. Also, with the internet (in particular it is now much easier to sell it on your own.
  • It is a good idea to have some experience in the field or area you plan to write about, but if you are unsure or run into a problem, you have the internet. It is, without a doubt, a gold mine of information. You can find information on almost anything with a few clicks. “But if you can find the information on the Internet, everyone else can,” you say (and it’s free). That’s true, and this is where your expertise comes in – your job is to explain it, simplify it, and give advice on it. People still like to get information from someone they trust and prefer that all the information be in one place (like in a book).
  • Another reason to write a book is that it brings some prestige and makes you an expert in the area you are writing about. Once you have established yourself as an expert, many new doors will open for you.
  • There is also a certain satisfaction in writing a book. It’s a challenge that sharpens your writing skills and gives you a sense of accomplishment when you’re done.
  • Last but not least, it can make you earn a considerable amount of money in your spare time. In fact, your book could become a “best seller” and make you rich.

That’s why it’s important to remember: if you don’t try, you’ll never know how successful you may have been.

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