Golf driving tips to increase your distance

“How do I hit the ball further?” This is the question most people want to answer when they go looking for golf driving tips. The fact is that it is more important to get consistency and accuracy than a great distance. This is one of the reasons why Tiger Woods indicated that he changed his swing. His results seem to confirm this statement. His new swing gives him more consistent results and allows him to win more tournaments, while his old swing gives him more distance but less control, making tournament positions more variable.

Even as hobbyists and weekend golfers, we too should learn this lesson. Our first step should be to develop a consistent swing with each of our clubs, rather than aiming further away. Once we can hit the ball the same distance, in the same place every time, we can increase the power of our swing to get more distance.

The first step is learning when to use which sticks. In general, to hit long distances, you need to use woods. To hit mid-range more accurately, use the irons. For shot distance, you use the putter. To get out of trouble and danger, you use the wedges. As a beginner, you need to keep things simple. Try to use irons with the same shaft length. This is called the 1-Iron or single length system. With this simplification, you only need to learn 1 swing for all your irons, compared to 10 different swings for the usual case. You may want to avoid hybrid clubs at first. These clubs are more versatile, but they are still a relatively new concept and have not yet been standardized. This makes them difficult to fit into your game.

The next step is to identify the principles that are common to all big changes. Here is a list of the most commonly accepted items:

  • Proper Stance (for You) – Proper stance gives you good balance and a stable position for swinging the club. The difficulty comes because you also have to take into account the length of your club and the position of the ball. Remember that the correct stance for your overtaking golf partner might be too rigid for you. But it might be too unstable for you. You need to develop your own posture.
  • Flexibility – Your body needs to be flexible. You can’t hit the ball properly if your muscles are tight. There’s a good reason why even professional heavyweight boxers are still smaller than powerlifters and bodybuilders. They sacrifice some of that muscle for more flexibility, which gives them more power when they hit. The same principle applies to golfers, when you swing the club to hit the ball.
  • Correct Swing Mechanics: You must learn to swing the club correctly, keeping in mind that swinging a wood is different than swinging an iron, etc. A technical workout that can be borrowed from some Chinese martial arts is to start off slow and relaxed. Once you get the swing right, you gradually add more speed and power to your swing. Remember to also practice your tracking.

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