Have a conversation through podcasting

There is so much written material on the Internet that it can be overwhelming. For people who suffer from knowledge retention, audio content is a welcome break. Additionally, 80% of people listen to all or most of each episode, while the average reader spends just 37 seconds reading an article.

Developing a sense of connection among your followers encourages them to feel a sense of belonging, like they are in the right place at the right time. They’ll want to stay because you’re giving them the information they want to hear and making them feel like they’re spending quality time doing it.

Podcasts are one of the best ways you can produce content for those who follow you. They could be social media followers or people who follow you professionally. And because people listen to podcasts throughout the day, it’s like you’re having a full conversation with them personally, on their time. They don’t have to set aside a particular time to listen to you (like radio or TV). Actually, for me anyway, I feel like I’m talking directly to a person while doing my recording. I try to make my listener feel like we are sitting at a table having a cup of coffee and having a great conversation!

Podcasts are also a great way to communicate your personal story. Just make sure you spend some time interacting about yourself and your trip and make it a form of discussion with your listeners. Try to think of and discuss things they could ask as follow-up questions if they were actually sitting across from you. As you respond to them, they feel a greater connection to you. It’s almost like you’re “reading their minds” in the conversation.

Try to improve the improved communication with your listeners

There really is no magic bullet to becoming a great podcaster. It’s really about making sure you communicate directly with his audience and understand his identity as a person and not as a group. This is why I stress to my coaching clients the importance of identifying WHO they will be talking to. Not a group, but a person.

Social media will help you expand your podcast and make sure it reaches the right group of people. But remember, you always speak to the person, not the group. We are talking about everything you do on social networks is really linked to interaction. That is what the algorithms of social media platforms are looking for. Although you are trying to connect with a group of people, your audience is looking to connect with one person. That person is you!

Try to set aside a time each day where you can spend 10-15 minutes interacting with your listeners on social media. Your audience will love hearing from you personally because it seems like they are really making a connection. Use this time to ask questions, answer questions, and get feedback. Create emotion in what you do; advertise your business or services you may provide; invite guests to participate in or offer to visit an organization or ministry (congregational or online); ask them to give their opinion; persuade them to sign up or subscribe to your podcast; Have a special gift that you can give them and encourage them to “get access to it for free.”

When they accept your gift, make sure you can capture their email so you can stay connected even more through personal emails. This helps you connect and have a conversation with them on an ongoing basis, providing them with value and they may even buy more services from you.

Ultimately, you’re going to have a lot more impact if you bring a structured process to podcasting than if you just look at it in a way where there’s not enough room for everyone’s podcast. Statistics have shown that most people who listen to podcasts actually listen to several podcasts each week. You’ll see progress and growth in your podcast stats if you’re doing it right and if you have the dialogue that communicates directly with your audience in a way that helps them achieve their dreams and goals too.

However, it all starts with a conversation. That’s where you as a podcaster should be able to shine!

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