Helpful tips for urinary incontinence in women

Urinary incontinence is a problem that many women suffer from. Although there are men who also experience this condition, it is much more common in women. According to statistics, there are approximately 25 million Americans who suffer from some form of urinary incontinence and more than 200 million people worldwide. 80% of these people are women. Only one in 8 people with urinary incontinence are actually diagnosed, while the remainder continue to suffer from the often unpleasant and embarrassing symptoms. There are several lifestyle and diet changes that can be made that can help alleviate some of the symptoms associated with urinary incontinence.

Urinary incontinence symptoms: This loss of bladder control is primarily characterized by a problem controlling urination. It is often an involuntary loss of urine that can occur in everyday moments, such as laughing or coughing. This makes it a very stressful event for those who experience it. There are two types of incontinence and they are known as stress incontinence and urge incontinence. The type of stress was described above. Urge incontinence is more serious and involves more urine leakage and a frequent feeling of needing to urinate. Most women will have a combination of these two.

Causes of urinary incontinence: Women often suffer from stress incontinence from having children or gaining too much weight. Excess weight can weaken the muscles of the bladder and lead to this condition. With urge incontinence, it is not clear what the initial cause is. However, it could be due to some kind of bladder irritation.

Tests and Diagnosis: When you visit your medical provider, you will receive a series of tests to determine if you have urinary incontinence. These include a bladder stress test and a urinalysis. If the doctor wants more advanced tests, they may include a urodynamic test, ultrasound scans, and a cystometry test that helps measure pressure on the bladder. Once your doctor determines your diagnosis, he or she will be able to prescribe a course of treatment that will help alleviate and potentially fully control incontinence. These are some of the medications that may be prescribed for you; Imipramine which is an antidepressant, duloxetine which is also an antidepressant; low-dose estrogen topical cream and anticholinergics that work to calm the bladder.

Diet and lifestyle changes: Of course, in addition to these medical treatments, there are many things you can do to address this problem. There is a misconception that reducing your fluid intake will help you urinate less often. This is not the correct approach as it could lead to dehydration. You should stay hydrated for your health and this should be 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. Include other beverages you may be drinking for this total amount. You should limit caffeine, alcohol, and sodas in your diet, as they can irritate your bladder. Try to avoid drinking fluids at night.

Sugar: In general, eating too much sugar is unhealthy and, in particular, if you suffer from urinary incontinence. Sugar can also irritate the bladder. Many foods contain hidden sugar, so always read labels carefully. Sugar includes products that contain fructose and honey. Cranberry Juice: There has been a misconception that cranberry juice helps with urinary incontinence in women. It is useful with urinary tract infections. However, with urinary incontinence you can aggravate the problem due to your heartburn.

Lifestyle changes: Exercise is very important to alleviate this condition. There are specific exercises known as “Kegal” methods. The Kegal method is an exercise that strengthens your pelvic muscles, helping you to have better control of your urinary flow. With continued use, you should see improvement.

Obesity: If you are overweight or obese, your urinary incontinence condition will be further aggravated. Losing weight and staying in shape will definitely help you. For example, if you have a heavy abdomen, it will put extra pressure on your bladder and further weaken your muscles. When you take the weight off, you will naturally strengthen these muscles that are no longer burdened.

Other techniques: Many women have been successful in trying to control the urge to urinate when they feel an overwhelming urge to urinate. Your immediate sensation is running to the bathroom for relief. However, if you can try to retrain your bladder to wait a little longer, you may eventually stop urinating as often. Start slowly and with what you are comfortable doing. For example, start by trying to wait 10 minutes before urinating when you feel the urge to do so. Work your way up to 15 to 20 minutes if you can. This technique can eventually train your bladder and you will not need to urinate as often as before.

Clearly, urinary incontinence is a problem for many women and it can definitely affect the quality of their lives. By incorporating a solid plan that includes medical intervention and lifestyle and diet changes, you will see significant improvement and control of this condition. Remember, as with any diet or lifestyle change, always check with your medical provider before doing so, especially if you have any medical conditions or are taking prescription medications.

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