How a tie can affect productivity

The easiest way to change an HR convention is to announce that dress codes have no impact on the business world. The dress code in the workplace has been a hotly debated topic for many companies over the years. A great saying is that “the way you dress affects the way you feel and the way you feel affects the way you act.” Any good company wants its employees to work hard. The dress code is very important to contribute to the corporate culture and express the daily values ​​that the company represents. Now that we have finished the debate of importance, it is time to address the real one; What dress code is most conducive to a productive workplace?

The decline of professional commercial attractions started more recently than you might imagine. The casual business trend emerged in the early 1990s, when many Silicon Valley workers refused to wear suits and ties to work every day. Businesses wanted to remain competitive, which started with casual Fridays and led some companies into a casual business environment. Many companies feel that it improves their employee morale and helps remove status barriers, while some companies still feel that it improves productivity. Like any good debate, the final answer comes down to a matter of opinion.

Now, let’s try a quick visualization exercise; When you see a man in a suit and tie, what is your first immediate thought? Do you think the power? What about determination? I can guarantee that your first thought is not “lazy” or “someone who takes shortcuts.” Anyone who has put on a suit and tie can tell you not to get out of bed an hour late; Grab your suit from the dirty basket and keep sliding to work just in time. A suit requires time, care and a lot of attention to detail. A suit projects the image that you are ready to work, ready to take on the day. Are you serious.

There are quite a few reasons why a company would want to maintain a strict dress code. Some include:

First impressions – I know the immediate rebuttal to this will be, “I don’t interact with customers.” But what about other employees? Imagine a new employee walks into the office on the first day, excited about new opportunities and the corporate environment. Will this ambitious enthusiast still think they’ve found the perfect job, or will the laid-back vibe set a tone for underperformance?

Pride – What you wear to an interview, like a suit and tie, was it a one-time deal? Dressing professionally earns you respect on an ongoing basis. Show that you take pride in what you wear and the image it exudes. Most people translate that into being proud of the work they do.

Division of Personal and Professional Life – You’ve planned and prepared and you’re walking into the office mentally dedicated, with your full attention to work, tackling the biggest problems, and making the most of your day.

One of my favorite quotes is “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” Dressing professionally shows that you take your career path seriously and strive for great achievements.

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