How HEPA Air Cleaners Help Prevent COVID-19

Air Cleaners Help Prevent COVID-19

To spread, the COVID-19 virus needs to attach itself to something in the environment. This could be a respiratory droplet, mucus, or even a piece of dust in the air. When used properly, HEPA air cleaners can capture and eliminate the elements that could carry the virus. To be effective, the filters must be cleaned and replaced regularly. The following are some important guidelines to keep in mind when using air cleaners.

Air cleaners must have high efficiency to remove small particles from the air. These particles are typically in the range of 0.1 to 1 um. Some manufacturers report the efficiency of their air cleaners by indicating specific particle size removal. Some manufacturers use the Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) rating system, which includes the use of High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters. To ensure that HEPA air cleaners can remove these small particles, they must be sized to fit the area they’ll be used in.

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Portable HEPA air cleaners have been shown to reduce infectious particles in the air and enhance protection against cross-contamination among persons. In fact, in two recent studies, HEPA air cleaners placed in classrooms were able to reduce aerosol particle concentrations by as much as 80% in thirty minutes. The HEPA air cleaners were also proven effective when used in conjunction with universal masking, which reduced exposure to COVID-19 by 72% and 65% respectively.

How HEPA Air Cleaners Help Prevent COVID-19

HEPA air cleaners have also been shown to be effective against simulated SARS-CoV-2 aerosols in indoor settings. Both universal masking and portable HEPA air cleaners have been shown to reduce exposure to simulated SARS-CoV-2 aerosols by up to 95%. However, a combination of both masking and HEPA air cleaners is required for even greater reductions in exposure.

As the cold and flu season approaches, indoor air quality is even more important. While proper ventilation and air filtration are important for keeping the house warm and comfortable, they can only help to reduce the risk of transferring the virus. The more air you can exchange in a room, the lower your risk of contracting COVID-19. Another good way to improve the quality of air in your home is to use window air conditioner fans with an outdoor intake vent.

Portable air conditioners and fans are another important way to keep COVID-19 at bay. Single-unit air conditioners and portable fans circulate air in a room. They can also blow infectious droplets further away from the source. As a result, they may have contributed to the spread of the disease. If you have window air conditioners, make sure to aim the stream away from people and use shielded blades to prevent the blades from falling on your face.

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