How I used a sample compliment

The sample eulogy I copied did not require complicated words or flowery terms just to disguise my grievance at my loss. I experienced the loss of my grandparents and they had been very dear to me. My sample eulogy started with a song written by the Eagles, titled “Love Will Keep Up Alive”, which talks about two people who live a life full of love and harmony, and are able to survive on that alone throughout their lives. of married My grandparents are a testimony of that reality in life.

I was able to continue my speech by citing the things I remembered most about my grandparents. I remember how smart and considerate my grandfather was and how my grandmother was an exceptional cook when she still had the strength to whip up a dish in the kitchen. They were a dynamic duo, as I would say, and people always loved them both. I remembered how my grandfather loved taking pictures of every special event, of every person he met, and he loved taking pictures of our family. My grandmother was also very fond of sewing dresses and curtains as a hobby. She loved to do things with her hands, while my grandfather took care of reading and writing.

People at his funeral praised me for my eulogy speech and I am very grateful for the sample eulogy speech that I used and from which most of my ideas came. The sample eulogy speech I modeled my speech on was the speech my father gave at his father’s funeral. It had such a beautiful message, about two people who lived together in love, and when the other passed away, the one who was left still felt joy because life became better and brighter because of that other person.

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