How long does it typically take to resolve a Google Ad Suspended issue?

resolve a Google Ad Suspended issue

When your Google Ad Suspended, the first thing you need to do is figure out why. The best way to do this is to look at the formal notification you received from Google. It’s likely going to include a list of policies that were violated. This is your opportunity to correct any issues that caused you to be suspended.

Be sure to carefully read each one and address them in order. For example, if the problem was that your website had dangerous malware or software, you need to make sure that the website has been thoroughly cleaned up. This includes the removal of any intrusive elements like pop-ups that expand over the page, PDF downloads, etc. This step should be taken seriously and done by a qualified professional.

If your account was Google Ad Suspended because you were using deceptive tactics or trying to manipulate ad performance metrics, you need to correct the issues and provide documentation that you are doing so. This can take several weeks, depending on the complexity of the situation.

How long does it typically take to resolve a Google Ad Suspended issue?

Another common reason for account suspension is that you have been using the Google account of someone who has exceeded the age limit or if you are violating their privacy terms. In these cases, you will need to correct the issue and use a different account or contact Google with an appeal.

It’s important to note that creating a new account while you are appealing a suspension is considered a violation of the terms and conditions. This is because Google will compare information such as your billing info, email, and website to the info from the account that was suspended. It will know you’ve tried to bypass the system and is more likely to suspend your new account.

A mistake that a lot of people make is to rush their appeal submission. It is a big mistake and it’s likely to delay the process significantly. You need to be extremely careful when filling out the form and double-check it to ensure that it is free from errors. Even minor mistakes can lead to your account being permanently suspended.

If you are unsure how to properly appeal an AdWords suspension, it’s recommended that you consult with an expert. A qualified PPC professional will be able to guide you through the process and prevent any unnecessary delays. They will also be able to help you determine which issues you need to address in your appeal and what steps to take to resolve them.

Overall, it typically takes several weeks to resolve a Google Ad Suspended issue. This is because there are a lot of steps that need to be taken and the process can be tedious and difficult. However, if you follow the advice above and are thorough in your efforts, you should be able to get your account back. Good luck!

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