How many calories should I eat to lose weight? – Find out exactly how many calories to lose weight

This thought has been in the back of our heads at one time or another, “How many calories should I eat to lose weight?” The truth is that there is no number set in stone because everyone is blessed with a different body and has different types of lifestyles. However, I will give you some guidelines so that you can better assess for yourself “How many calories should I eat to lose weight?”.

The bottom line is that your body needs calories to survive and the rest are “extra” for, say, physical activities. So in order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you are consuming. This can be done in two ways, instead of consuming fewer calories or increasing the number of calories you burn. So if you want to know “How many calories should I eat to lose weight?” then you should start calculating your daily caloric intake.

There are numerous calorie counting programs and websites on the internet, a simple search will help you find one. All you have to do is enter all your daily foods into the food calculator and it will provide you with the total amount of calories consumed with a breakdown of protein, carbs and fat by food choice/meal/day/week etc. Without going into too much detail about the macronutrients in your body, fat is your body’s store of energy, carbohydrates are your body’s main source of energy, and protein helps cellular function, including building hair, muscles and strong, healthy nails.

Now that you’ve started counting calories, you need to clean up your diet. Start eating more frequently at least 4 times a day so your body doesn’t get hungry as often. This also maximizes your metabolic rate and will not cause you to overeat large meals at lunch and dinner time. You need to stop eating junk food and fast food completely, if not cut down drastically. Focus on fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole foods that aren’t heavily processed. The more processed the food, the less nutrients you can get from it.

1 pound of fat equals 3,500 calories, decreasing your daily calorie intake by 500 calories should result in 1 pound of fat loss per week. However, a significant drop in your caloric intake, such as 500 calories, will slow your metabolism significantly. The best way is to gradually reduce caloric intake.

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