How to Clean an Aluminum Handrail

Clean Aluminum Handrail

Generally, aluminum handrails require minimal maintenance and cleaning. They should be cleaned at least once a year, and every six months if the handrails are near a pool or other water source. Fall yard cleanup is a great time to clean and protect aluminum handrails. To clean aluminum railings, mix a mild detergent solution with water, then hose the railing down. Then, add a little wax or cleaning solution and rinse.

While aluminum railings are naturally resistant to rust, some dirt may remain on them. You should check these components for corrosive elements, such as loose hinges and dirty fasteners. If necessary, you can apply a floor or car wax to protect them from rusting. You should clean aluminum handrails at least once a year. Some people opt to clean their handrails more frequently than others.

Fortunately, aluminum railings are highly durable and do not warp or discolor like wood. Many aluminum handrails are coated with a powder coat finish, which protects the aluminum from rust and other environmental hazards. This coating lasts a very long time, but can still develop a light layer of chalky-white dust over time. This coating should be wiped away carefully using a soft cleaning solution, as harsh cleaners can damage aluminum’s finish.

How to Clean an Aluminum Handrail

You can clean aluminum handrails using a mild soap and water solution. It is important to remember that harsh chemicals and steel wool can damage the finish of the handrails. You should never scrub aluminum handrails with a dry sponge, because it will leave a film that can scratch the surface. If the handrails contain glass, you can also use a glass cleaner. A paper towel may leave residue on the glass.

Aluminum handrails require little maintenance, but they should be inspected at least twice a year. If you live in an area with a high pollution level, you should clean aluminum railings more often. Clean your handrails once a month with a mild soap and water solution. Then rinse with clean water. Ideally, you should clean aluminum handrails on a cool, overcast day to avoid soap spots.

Aluminum handrails can be a beautiful and distinctive addition to any balcony. Although low-maintenance, they can become dirty over time, especially if exposed to harsh weather conditions. Fortunately, cleaning an aluminum handrail is relatively simple and can be done with common household products. You should also be aware of any limitations of cleaning aluminum handrails. However, if you do not have time to clean your aluminum handrails, you can try to find some inexpensive kits available online.

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