How to Flirt His Pants – Literally

Don’t you hate it when your best friend goes to the Chinese grocery store two blocks away or the laundry room in the basement apartment and a half hour later shows up with three phone numbers and a dinner date with a cute guy when everything gets “not interested” signals even from guys you’d normally consider “A” losers.

What about those women who never seem to stay single for more than three months? You know the ones who slip from the arms of a rich guy into the life of another beautiful humanitarian with a heart of gold? What is it that some women have about men that the rest of us don’t? What is your secret? What is it that they do that makes guys want to be with them?

Their secret is that they let guys know that they are interested and available. While the rest of us are “playing hard to get” or throwing ourselves at anyone who looks our way, these “hot” women know exactly what they want and don’t hesitate to let them know.

But how could you ask. How do I let a guy know I’m interested in him without looking silly if he’s not interested in you? Most of us get discouraged when we see someone we are interested in because we assume that he is probably looking for someone young and gorgeous. But having worked with many singles over the years, I’ve almost come to the conclusion that “the hotter you are, the more work you have to do.” No one will approach you unless you make it incredibly obvious that you want them to.

Apparently there are ways to say “I’m available, just tell me the place and time” without sounding desperate. YEAH!!! There are ways to stand out from the crowd and still retain your sense of “worthiness.” It’s called flirting.

Research has shown that there are certain qualities that make a woman stand out even without high heels or a black mini dress. Guys, we’re told, have biological “sex” radars and can literally sense the “sexiest” woman as soon as she steps foot in a room.

Amazing, right? While we women are busy getting to know him (his zodiac sign, his favorite color, his deepest fear, his mother’s maiden name, and all that sort of thing), men’s radars are on. the air picking up signs of some hot. mom who just entered the room.

So if you want to get it, and keep it, apparently you have to learn to speak its language. I have listed here the top five qualities that were offered by men and confirmed by some “sexy” women. I’ve used them all quite a few times and got 150% OVER-KILL. Even if they don’t land you the man of your dreams, right away, they’ll make your life a little more fabulous and make dating truly a jungle game.

Apparently, a woman with the sex appeal oozing from every pore of her skin has these qualities:

1. He seems to be having fun. Being predictable and boring is a cardinal sin when it comes to dating and all relationships. Like it or not, people are very attracted to other people who seem to be enjoying themselves. A woman who is not afraid of life drags everyone with her. Men look at her and want a piece of “HER”.

Develop an upbeat and positive attitude and get in touch with and be aware of your own sexual energy. Beyond that, develop a fun, childlike quality about yourself and share a bit of that with the rest of the world. A little “playful teasing” is a great way to spark interest. When it’s obvious you should start acting like a sticky bug, just lie back like you have all the time in the world. This can take seduction to the next level…

2. She is confident but not self-absorbed to the extent that no one and nothing else matters but her. She is aware of how she looks, but she is not obsessed with how she looks. In other words, she is “hot”.

You don’t have to be classically beautiful by social standards to be inexplicably sexy. It all has to do with the perception you have of yourself and all the ways you show yourself. Loving yourself in a healthy way is actually a big factor in convincing others that you are a sexy mom.

3. It makes someone feel like they’re the only person in the room who matters. She looks into his eyes, really listens, calls his name and concentrates on what she says.

What else can I say, the eyes have it. Let your eyes reach the depths of his soul and move him like never before. Use your fingers to draw attention to her eyes and keep her gaze focused on you, and only you. When exchanging takes place in crowded conditions, simply touch your nose or gently rub your cheek while pointing a finger to either eye. Being able to look down.

4. Play a lot. When someone touches us, we like it even more. If you’re stingy with your affection, others assume you’re cold, hard to get to know, and uptight.

If he’s already familiar with the “mirror” technique, add the “touch anchoring” technique to it, and he’ll never figure out why three weeks later he’s rubbing his hands against his sleeves and still smelling your perfume even when he’s wearing it. a different shirt than the one he wore that “full of destiny” night. This touching extends to touching yourself. Touch yourself to draw attention to your most flattering features, and when combined with looking into his eyes, Houston, we’ve got a problem!!!

5. He knows his body and is aware of it. I’m talking about talking about the body. If you’ve been getting looks but no action, you probably need to fine tune your body language; the way you walk, what you wear and the vibrations and waves you send out.

You’ve got Dolly Parton cleavage, try the “Oh my gosh, you’re hilarious” hand on your breasts every time she says something funny. And laugh deeply so that those “babies” hiccup like an earthquake shaking the Himalayas. And if you’re bootilcious Beyonce, going to the ladies’ room as often as you can is actually a good thing. Turning seductively with a swing and a sweeping gaze that ends on your flat side and then rolling and bouncing what your mom gave you can wreak bloody havoc on even the most serene.

Flirting really is quite easy if you think of it as soft marketing and all it takes is the right attitude and a willingness to take some risks and make things happen. The next time you’re out and you feel the urge to literally flirt with him, be impulsive and try something wildly interesting and unpredictable.

And hey, tell me how you’re doing…

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