How to floss correctly?

Flossing correctly is imperative to prevent cavities from forming between the teeth in the areas that the toothbrush cannot reach. Proper flossing helps remove bacteria that build up in plaque and tartar.

No matter how much you brush and how hard you brush your teeth, brushing does not remove plaque between your teeth. This is why flossing must be completed correctly with each brushing.

Flossing correctly is one of the most powerful tools you have to fight bacteria, plaque, and cavities. This decay can progress to tooth and gum disease and eventually bone deterioration.

Here are the steps you can take to floss correctly to prevent all these problems from forming.

1. Take an 18-inch piece of floss from the floss device.

2. Wrap the floss around your two index fingers.

3. Starting at one end of the teeth and either at the top or bottom, run the floss between each tooth, making sure to carefully bring the floss between the teeth without breaking it on the gums, as this will cause bleeding and irritation. . Avoid the triangular papilla between the teeth.

4. One of the main keys to flossing is to make sure you floss every tooth.

5. Make a C shape with the floss and gently move it between each tooth, up to the gum line and slightly below the base of the tooth.

6. Replace floss sections if the floss, each tooth, or any other tooth is fraying or deteriorating.

There are many different options for flossing. Choosing the best flossing option for you will make it easier and more convenient, as well as more effective for you.

floss options

waxed thread

floss tape

Irrigation devices work well if you cannot hold the floss well with your fingers.
Floss holders that are good for people who have less hand dexterity.
You can get mint and orange flavored dental floss.
In addition to flossing, brushing is a very important part of the oral hygiene process. With flossing and brushing together, you will see a significant difference in care, color, and follow-ups that occur after a one-month period of time.

Professional cleaning at your dentist’s office will help with bacteria and plaque that you can’t get from flossing and brushing. That’s why it’s important to keep up with your semi-annual cleanings.

Eating a healthy diet will also help reduce plaque on your teeth. This is a food rich in fiber, with vitamins and minerals. Foods like apples are good sources of bacteria-cleansing options for when you can’t brush your teeth.

With each of these things working on your side to create a healthier mouth and smile, you’ll see a great smile in no time. Just keep in mind that flossing would be better than anything you can do for your teeth. So don’t skip or forget. If you feel like you can’t floss for one reason or another, ask your dentist for some options you can try to help.

Flossing is not something that can be put aside. More teeth are lost due to lazy oral hygiene habits than from anything else. With all the options for flossing and brushing your teeth, it would be a shame to put off taking care of your smile.

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