How to have longer sex and stop rapid ejaculation

There are three ways to have longer intercourse and stop rapid ejaculation:

1. Practice having sex for a few weeks. In fact, you can practice sex on your own through masturbation, which will lead to longer sexual sessions. Here’s how you do it: As you masturbate, wait until the point where you feel ejaculation coming on. Once you feel it, stop masturbating, take a deep breath, and rest for a moment. Then once it’s installed, continue again. And once again, repeat the same thing. Stop and rest when ejaculation approaches, and continue once you are ready. What this does is train the body to have longer intercourse, instead of ejaculating too quickly.

2. Mental Techniques. These can range from the classic “think baseball during sex” to specific breathing exercises that will calm you down and stop rapid ejaculation. Thinking about sports is not the best technique in the world, but it can buy you some time. Ultimately, you want to do the breathing techniques. These involve taking deep breaths during intercourse and focusing on your breathing patterns.

3.Muscle control. There is a muscle responsible for the control of ejaculation located between the anus and the testicles. For most men, it’s pretty weak and needs to be flexed for at least a few weeks to get stronger. When you urinate and stop midstream, you may feel this muscle being used for stopping. Once you identify it, try flexing it on your own while sitting in a chair. Flex and hold for a few seconds. Try to increase the number of seconds you hold in the pushup over the course of the weeks. This will make him stronger and allow him to last longer during intercourse.

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