How to intensify states in hypnosis

One of the ways to do this is to intensify the state you are using in each different session. Intensifying your subject’s state of mind will really help you in many different areas of your hypnosis. It will also greatly improve your skills as a hypnotist.

There are several different reasons why you would want to heighten the status of your listener. For starters, you can use the stepping in mood swing concept, it doesn’t matter. The more intense the mood they experience, the more drastically they will change their course of thought.

This is helpful because the reason for changing moods in the first place is because it allows the mind to move on without the interference of critical filters. This alone is a reason to need to know how to intensify a state and is a big step in getting a person into a different state of mind.

Moods are similar to different rooms in a house. In each room you keep certain things and you can only access those things when you are in that room. The mind works the same way. Different moods will allow you to access the different memories, experiences, feelings, and definitions that are associated with that state. If you don’t have a pure and clear state of mind, you will have limited access to the things you need for that experience.

Now, heightening the mental state is a great help because the clearer the mental state of your subjects, the more efficiently your triggers will be implanted. As we all know by now, the emotional trigger is a very important step to achieve, as it will eventually lead to the changes the person wants to make in their life. The more you can amplify and intensify a person’s state, the more powerful your suggestions will end up being.

So let’s get down to business, how do you work to heighten a person’s state to aid in hypnosis? One of the first ways is to intensify the response you get from your subjects. It is important to know how to intensify this response to get into a state that is strong enough for you to spend time establishing an emotional trigger.

There are basically four techniques to make a response more intense. These concepts can be used together or separately and it is important to know how to use your basic knowledge of hypnosis before diving into these four concepts.

Some of the skills you’ll want to practice beforehand are first to realize that some people find it much easier to get into states than others. This is important to know just so you know that getting in and out of good clean states can take practice for some people.

Another tool you will need to work well with is attention absorption. You must take responsibility for having all of your attention blocked in order to access a clear state.

After all, there is no need to escalate a state that won’t be useful, and the better the state, the more useful it is to you and your subject. The more attention you have from them, the better they can access the state you are looking for. That in turn means you’ll be able to set a more competent trigger.

Now you are ready to get into how to intensify a state. The first way to do this is a simple concept of direct suggestion. This is very easy; you simply directly suggest that they intensify an emotion.

This can be done with many different principles that you have learned, including suggestion support, hot words, language bridges, and trance words. You can put all these things, ideas, together to make a direct request to intensify a feeling. The more you notice and pay attention to the feeling you want to be more intense, the more unconsciously it will take place.

Note that you will not tell them what experience this will have as a result of you telling them to intensify a feeling. This is a simple suggestion that can be done very directly or less directly and gently depending on the person you are working with.

The second way to add intensity to your hypnosis is to layer emotional triggers. By layering different emotional triggers, one on top of the other, you will take the level of intensity to a new level for your listener.

Two ways to do this, the first is to start with all the different emotions your listener has in the experience and start setting triggers for each one individually. Once you’ve done that, you can combine them all into one trigger and you’ll end up with a nice variety of positive states triggered by one trigger.

Another way to do this, a much simpler way, is to layer your emotional triggers to access different experiences, each of the same state. This may sound complicated, but it’s actually quite simple. Start by going first, tell a story involving the state you want to access. Then, when you reach the climax of the story, set a trigger. After that, he’ll ask his listener to broadcast a similar experience, then he’ll relive it for them, and when they enter the relive experience, he’ll trigger his trigger again.

In this example, you have doubled the emotional impact of that trigger, as there are now two different experiences associated with it. Think of the power this can have if you continue the loop five or six times.

The third technique for adding intensity is to use modular boosters. These are non-verbal ways of stepping up and experiencing. They use things like tone, gesture, body language, and facial expressions to convey a suggestion.

Hue is important here as changing the hue you use will send signals to intensify an experience. You can use this skill with any of the senses, experiment with it, and see how you can escalate things with the nonverbal actions listed above.

The final technique for increasing intensity is to control the internal images that the listener receives. In this concept you will take all the meanings of the stories and amplify them to make them more real. Use implying statements or ask them to make things more focused, bigger, brighter, sharper, stronger, and more vibrant.

The idea here is to make sure you develop every sensation and sense that is in the experience. These include sounds, smells, physical touches, taste, sight, and emotions. There are two ways to accomplish this; Directly tell them to do it with detailed instructions or combine the amplifications into your story as if they were part of the story itself.

In this technique you can use gestures to help you get the point across, this helps as it creates the meaning for you and starts to be the first to tell the story.

All of these things will give you the skills to do something more intense. Be sure to keep in mind that these are powerful ways to access states and be positive when working with them, as they also heighten emotions.

Now go and be intense!

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