How to lose weight in 30 days by walking to get fit

One of the best ways to stay in shape is to simply go for a walk. It’s the easiest of all the exercises, and much less likely to cause strain and injury, especially to the joints, making it safer than running. Walking is also good as an exercise to burn fat. A study conducted at the University of Tennessee in 2004 showed that among women ages 40 to 66, those who spent more time walking had a lower percentage of body fat and smaller waists and hips than those who did not walk as much.

If you’re walking to keep fit, or more specifically to burn fat from your body, you’ll find it more efficient to take a scientific approach. Basically what I’m saying is that you’ll need to keep track of the steps you take when walking. In fact, it’s probably a good idea to get yourself a pedometer, as it will come in handy if you’re going to be serious about walking for fitness, which you should be.

Going back to counting the steps… surely you have heard the saying that a journey of a thousand kilometers begins with a single step. Well, so does the journey to a slimmer, fitter person. It starts with one step. Then another. Then another and another and another, and so on. To start, you should set a goal of taking an extra 5,000 steps per day. This will allow you to burn about 200 calories a day. The exact amount you’ll lose also depends on your current weight and how fast you walk.

Of course, losing 200 calories every day may not sound like much, but believe me, it will add up. This is what you should do: follow a seven-day walking plan. Every weekday, complete about 5,000 steps (equivalent to about 2.5 miles). On the weekends, he takes about 10,000 steps (equivalent to about 5 miles) each day. That’s about 45,000 steps per week. If you keep up this routine for a month, you should be able to lose at least 2 pounds.

You will lose weight even if you spend most of your time walking at a walking pace, although your weight loss will be more gradual. For faster results, try to take at least a third of your daily step quota at a brisk walking pace, around 135 steps per minute. But don’t try to do the full step quota at that pace, as that would be too tiring. In fact, when you’re just starting out, feel free to complete your step quotas at whatever pace you’re comfortable with. Once you’re used to the amount of walking you have to do, you can step things up for better results.

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