How to make a popular guy like you! Here is the shortcut for him to notice you quickly

Do you think it is impossible for you to get the attention of a popular guy? He may be cute and sexy, very popular with girls, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get him to like you! Here are some tips to help you build your self-confidence and like Mr. Popular.

Don’t pay too much attention to it

He’s used to getting all the attention from girls. Most likely, he has a group of girls around him every time you see him. Don’t let this upset or intimidate you. In fact, turn your back on it. It will immediately make him notice you. It will make you different and he will be attracted to you.

Smile warmly

Let him see that you really like him. Smile that sweet sexy smile that makes you feel special. A smile can work wonders and open the floodgates of love. Make friends with him and don’t push for anything else, it works.

Be a friend and join their interests

Being a part of their passions, hobbies, and interests will help you share precious and memorable moments together. This way, it will get to know you better. However, don’t get too close, as familiarity breeds contempt. Let him know enough to make him curious about you.

Ditch the competition

This obviously means you have to dress better, look better, walk and speak better! Make a complete change and beat the competition. He has to look at you and like what he sees! So without wasting time, become beautiful.

Be brave and confident

It’s not enough to look cool and sexy! You have to carry it out with a lot of poise! Your confidence in yourself will act like a magnet. Use it to bring it to you. Be brave enough to keep your interest strong and vibrant.

Be near

Hang out with him and his friends. Just when he realizes that you are so attractive and interesting, pay more attention to someone else. Even better; stop hanging out with them for a while. This will make him miss you. When you join the gang, be careful to look great. He will love you!

Show your talents

Everyone knows that a talent should be displayed rather than buried. Whatever talents you have, make sure the guys notice and see you shine. Your personality and charisma will make you likeable and attractive.

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