If everything goes wrong just laugh

“If everything goes wrong, laugh!” This idea came to me in meditation this morning after crying out deeply to the infinite spirit for relief from a difficult situation that I have been processing. When I first heard this inner guidance from my higher self, I got a little angry. “It’s easy for you to say just laugh, from your non-physical perspective,” I thought to myself. Then while I was sitting there, it started to rain. “Rats!” I thought that today I was going to attend an outdoor concert with a friend in a park. I know this must sound very self-centered and indeed it is, but sometimes I think life is testing my ability to flow and be flexible and let go of how and when things should happen. it has an existential perfection that leans in favor of the whole over the individual.

To demonstrate this point, consider that although I will not be attending today’s concert, the rain is a welcome relief from the dry heat we’ve been having. The birds sing and the ground is soaked in the welcome drink. My kitten is sitting next to me on my desk and my puppy is curled up at my feet. We are having unplanned family time due to the rains falling outside. They both appear to have been undisturbed by a storm. So, I’ll take my hint from them to relax and just laugh that life had a different plan for me today. The truth is that I have not felt very inspired to write. I know that I cannot force words onto the page and I always have to bow to divine timing when a surge of will arises, and then I can sit in front of the computer and channel the inspiration that my spirit wishes to share. I believe that there is a perfection in life that is greater than my wishes. My anger has dissolved and I’m laughing inside.

I invite you today, if there is a topic in your life that is causing you confusion, to just laugh at whatever it is. Usually in 30-90 days, any problem that seems so monumental to you now will gently fade into the background and then you can laugh at your stupidity for being so upset about it. I know it takes an incredible amount of faith to let go and let life have its way, but I have found that the payoff is immeasurable. I am learning to develop inner satisfaction regardless of the circumstances. Our journey on this earth is very short. We laugh all we can along the way.

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