Ignore all the reasons why you can’t do something and focus on why you can.

Ignore the reasons why you can’t do something

Do you often think about the reasons why you can’t do something? You could contemplate why you will never get a better job or have a love relationship, improve your health or otherwise.

By dwelling on these things, we become convinced of their truth. But you must not let your thoughts dictate your reality, because you have the power to change and guide your future.

I realize that it may not always seem that way, especially if you are plagued with constant problems and setbacks. It’s confusing when you’re trying to change your life and you keep experiencing resistance.

When you have a strong enough reason to achieve a goal, a purpose or a dream, there is nothing that prevents you from doing it. If our vision is weak, any setback or challenge becomes an impediment to achieving our goals. We will focus on the obstacle, not realizing that it is showing us the way forward. Challenges awaken our latent potential to achieve our goals.

Is it something you can identify with? Simply nod to acknowledge that you have walked this path of resistance. Giving up is not the answer because regret has a way of reminding us of what we have lost rather than gained.

So how can we achieve what burns deep within our hearts? How can we overcome obstacles and challenges to achieve our desires? It’s about building the resilience to keep going in the face of defeat. It requires ignoring the reasons why you can’t do something and focusing on why you can.

The mind has an inherent negativity bias that evolutionary psychologists believe is part of the biological makeup of the brain. Negativity dominates us and we do not realize that it is a warning light alerting us to something that needs our attention. It is not intended to stop us but to show us that we are getting closer to our goals.

Sometimes we face criticism from loved ones who remind us that we can’t achieve something because no one in our family has ever achieved it. They may tell you it’s impossible and don’t think big or aim high.

Pretty soon, you accept this false narrative because, if you repeat it often enough, it convinces you of its truth. But it takes a certain individual to go against this form of criticism and move on.

Think of infinite possibilities

It’s hard when the ones you love are against you; when they should be by your side. But you don’t need to convince other people of your dreams or vision. You just need to be sure of your future and not let anything or anyone stop you from achieving it.

When you achieve your goals, your loved ones, friends, and co-workers will congratulate you for not giving up. They will praise you and associate their name with you. But you’re not doing it for attention. You don’t do it to gain applause, praise or notoriety. You are chasing what makes you come alive. That which moves your soul and drives the reason why you intend to pursue your goal or dream.

People like you are visionaries looking for a future full of possibilities. It doesn’t matter that you don’t know how it will happen because that is part of the journey. What matters is that you don’t give up on your dreams.

What really matters is that you keep going in the face of resistance, obstacles, and challenges. Visionaries have existed throughout history and were it not for them, our lives would be empty without their influence.

Visionaries have been repressed, victimized, tormented, ridiculed, and told they will never succeed. This only made them more ambitious and tenacious in achieving their vision. These types of people yearn to express a desire from the depths of their soul.

They are committed to creating a new reality that is born out of creativity and vision. So, I ask you: are you one of these visionaries? You don’t have to act on the international stage to be a visionary but you have to work locally; affecting change on a smaller scale. Never underestimate the impact your actions can have on those around you. You can be the very person who can change people’s lives in ways you never imagined.

So what are the reasons why you can’t do something right now? Is it lack of talent? Is fear? It’s something more? Whatever it is, acknowledge it because it is revealing something important to you. Acknowledge the resistance and, as the title of her book by Susan Jeffers says: Feel the fear and do it anyway.

Accept your fears, doubts and concerns and take action. Enter the arena and work on your goals until you reach them. You may be met with objections and laughter along the way. Those people aren’t necessarily horrible people, but sent from the universe to test how committed you are to your goals.

Knowing this, I invite you to list five reasons why you CAN achieve a current goal or purpose. Think without limitations that stop you. Think of endless possibilities and contemplate the idea that it can and will happen, as long as you don’t give up. Because if you ignore all the reasons why you can’t do something and focus on why you can, you will find your future at the most unexpected hour.

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