Improve your sales pages with the Facebook factor

This article will give you valuable information on how to make your sales pages more powerful, using the same marketing principle that has made Facebook a monolith on the Internet. If you follow the ideas given in this article, you have a good chance of increasing conversion rates on your offer pages, and direct mail campaigns as well. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has amassed roughly $13 billion from this marketing principle, so it shouldn’t be too hard for you to increase the ROI of your marketing efforts by 10, 20, or even 50%.

What is this marketing principle?

social proof.

What is social proof?

This is something your prospects will be looking for to help them decide whether to buy from you: what do other people think of you? We all use social proof every day: if we want to watch a movie, we read the reviews. Want to know if a particular hotel is as good as it claims to be? Look no further than Trip Advisor.

The Facebook mantra of “Like, Comment, Share” is social proof at its most dynamic. If I click the Like button on a company’s Facebook business page, this action appears on me Facebook home page: I don’t just spread the word, it’s gone viral. The Comment and Share features are even more powerful.

I’m not suggesting that you put a Like button on your sales page; however, there is another way you can use social proof to increase your credibility with your prospects. It’s a strategy you’ve definitely heard of, and chances are you’re using it, but I doubt you’re maximizing its incredible potential.

I’m talking about testimonials. Most companies use customer support, but very few take the time to really harness its power.

How to maximize the power of customer testimonials

Here are some ideas and strategies you can use to increase the credibility of your testimonials, and therefore the level of trust you inspire in potential customers.


Images will instantly make the testimonial more believable. Seeing the person’s face next to what he has written about your company forces your prospect’s brain to imagine that he actually says those words. It also says that the people who write the testimonials are proud to be associated with you.


Facts and figures give real weight to testimony and stick in people’s minds. For example, “My sales are up 25%” is much more believable and persuasive than “I’m really impressed with…”.


You can increase the authority of your testimonials by providing as much information as possible about the person endorsing you. Mr. L, Texas it’s too vague and gives the impression that Mr. L really doesn’t want to be associated with your business. (Of course, some products and services are confidential and individuals cannot be identified in this way.)

John Logan Dallas is, of course, better: if John Logan in this example had a website and gave his permission, naming the website increases the authority of the endorsements tenfold.

With the ever-increasing demands of today’s skeptical consumers, testimonials will become more and more important. It’s a strategy that no forward-thinking company can ignore.

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