Is it expensive to ship mannequins?

Cost reduction on shipping mannequins:

The mannequins have large dimensions, so although they will only weigh between 35 and 40 pounds. dimensional weight can go up to nearly 100 pounds, which means you’re actually paying like 100 pounds because of the dimensions. The same goes for a mannequin torso, let’s say it only weighs 5 pounds, but most of the time the dimensions will be at least a size large 1, which means you will pay as if you weigh between 30 and 55 pounds. Even though it only weighs 5 pounds!

Therefore, reducing shipping costs is very important when choosing an online mannequin seller. Choose a seller who knows “their shipping”, see if they work with several different shipping companies and have many different shipping methods to save on shipping costs.

keep these points in mind:

# 1 shipping to a business address.

# 2 order ahead so you have the option of shipping a slower method which can reduce your shipping costs.

# 3 ordering a few items together should lower your shipping price, this depends on location and quantity, but one thing’s for sure if an item costs 49.00 to ship, shipping 10 of them shouldn’t cost 10 x 49.00! !, Unless it is going through the international or express shipping method.

# 4 make sure your sales rep receives your work phone number to put on the shipping label so if the courier is having trouble finding your home / business they can call them for instructions.

# 5 very important! If there is a suite / unit / apartment number, be sure to include it so your items are not returned, the mannequins come in large boxes and the couriers are looking to move them rather than keep them around and wait for the unit numbers.

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