Johnson Brothers Ironstone – Kitchen Safety Tips

Many people die from kitchen bacteria and poor handling. You don’t know what microorganisms and bacteria are around your kitchen. To make sure you’re eating healthy, the following information will help you handle and prepare your food to avoid contamination.

1. Store your Johnson Brothers Ironstone dinnerware in secure, locked cabinets.

2. Do not thaw your food at room temperature. Thawing at room temperature takes a long time and you don’t know what microorganisms have gotten into your food. You can put your food on a plate, put it in the refrigerator, or use the oven.

3. Always wash your hands with soap and water before and after handling and preparing your food.

4. Always marinate your food in the refrigerator. Use a refrigerator-safe dish like Johnson Brothers Ironstone to marinate.

5. Serve your food on clean dishes. Make sure you have thoroughly washed your dishes with a clean sponge.

6. If you have leftover food, refrigerate it for future consumption. Do not store cooked food at room temperature. No need to transfer your food to a new container, all you have to do is cover your serving plate with another plate as Ironstone is refrigerator safe.

7. Always thoroughly clean your Ironstone dishes after work. You have to clean countertops and other utensils with soap and water before and after preparing your food. If you have a dishwasher, make sure your cookware is dishwasher safe like the Ironstone Collection.

8. Finally, take note of these principles:

* Germs can be anywhere, even in the air. Most of them lodge in the kitchen sink and dirty dishes are left uncleaned.

* Some germs die in cold temperatures. Some die during the heating process.

* Germs multiply quickly in wet, dirty areas. Therefore, every place and every utensil you use in the kitchen must be clean and dry.

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