Liposuction, arm and thigh lifts improve sagging

Aging and massive weight loss can have drastic effects on the elasticity of skin cells and how fat is stored and lost. Unfortunately, exercise and diet alone won’t be able to trim and firm as much as you want. In many cases, cosmetic surgery is the only option to reverse the effects of time and physical stress placed on the body. Liposuction and various lifting procedures can remove those stubborn fat deposits and tighten sagging skin.

Although a small amount of fat will be removed during liposuction, it is not primarily a weight loss method. The procedure targets specific areas of the body that remain resistant to diet and exercise, refining and sculpting them to appear more aesthetically pleasing. Common locations for liposuction include under the chin, stomach, love handles, and inner thighs, although it can be performed on almost any part of the body.

During the procedure, the surgeon inserts a hollow tube into the area to be sculpted. The tube moves back and forth through the fat, sucking out excess cells. The incision is then sutured closed. Depending on the extent of the surgery, recovery is quite comfortable and quick, from a few days to a week or two. There will be bruising and tenderness in the healing area. Results are visible immediately afterward, and you will continue to see improvements in the following months as swelling subsides.

If loose skin is your problem, a lift may be the solution. The thighs and arms in particular tend to suffer from excessive sagging of the skin after massive weight loss. These areas can be greatly expanded to store additional fat, causing the skin to overstretch and lose its elasticity in the process. Once it reaches a certain point, it cannot recover and aging further complicates this.

Thigh lifts typically target the inner thigh, but can improve the appearance of the outer area as well. During the procedure, the surgeon makes an incision near the inside of the groin and pulls the skin up, tightening it. Excess skin and fat are cut off and what’s left is sewn into place. Recovery can take two to three weeks. Expect to be in a lot of pain and you may not be able to walk comfortably for a while.

An arm lift is performed in a similar way to a thigh lift. The incision will be placed on the inside or outside of the arm, usually from the armpit to just before the elbow. Excess skin and fat is removed and the remaining tissue is securely sutured back into shape, leaving it smooth and tight. Recovery takes one to two weeks, but results should be visible shortly after. Depending on the individual, the scarring can be somewhat severe. The incision is usually quite long and short sleeves will not be able to hide it completely.

The side effects of massive weight loss and aging can be both physical and emotional. Diet and exercise won’t always get the results you want. Cosmetic surgery, such as liposuction and lifts, can help you achieve what you can’t achieve on your own.

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