Male Chastity, Marriage and Your Relationship

It’s true that with male chastity the marriage can be revitalized and fun as you both start to appreciate each other more and begin to enjoy those “first days” feelings you had in the beginning; but what is it no The truth is that everything else in your life has to change too.

This is, in my opinion, a good thing.

Because the truth is that no want everything to change. In fact, we human beings in general don’t really I like change a lot, and when we hear people say (and maybe even ourselves), “I want to change my life completely!“, what we’re really saying is”I would like to change the bad parts and leave the other parts as they are“.

In short, we want things to be better, but as similar as possible to now.

So when your husband or wife comes up to you and says they want to try this new game of male chastity, the marriage doesn’t have to suddenly change its dynamic and turn into something you might not want it to be, like a “relationship” directed by women” in which you find yourself wearing the pants, or suddenly make your man a weak, characterless shadow of his former self.

Call me old-fashioned, but I like my men to be masculine, strong, and chivalrous, NOT weak, subservient, and follow me around like a puppy trying to please me in hopes of getting a pat on the head.

AND most women feel the same . Look, it’s completely reasonable for you to worry that when you accept male chastity, marriage suddenly becomes less of a partnership and more of a one-way street where women suddenly take control of everything, not alone her husband’s orgasm.

And this is not the case at all with the vast majority of marriages where the wife and husband begin to explore this aspect of their sexuality.

In most cases it becomes a gets better to the aspects of your relationship that you want to improve, such as your sex life, the depth of your emotional intimacy, and the amount of pure enjoyment and funny they have, without adding anything negative at all.

Of course, all of this is based on both parties, you and your husband or wife, fully understanding what is expected of you and what you can expect in return.

This, in turn, revolves around her understanding of male chastity, marriage, and what it really means.

And the good news, as we’ve seen, is that you don’t have to radically change the way you live, the way you relate most of the time, or how you tend to handle your relationship as you travel along your daily commute. through life with your spouse.

Too often I see women, confronted with their husband’s desire for her to take control of her orgasms, recoil in fear because they read the hype and unrealistic information on blogs and internet forums and assume that what they are reading it’s not alone certain (it is not, in general) but it is a necessary consequence of male chastity in marriage.

And he’s not, so you can stop worrying NOW and just enjoy the gift he’s giving you: control of his orgasms.

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