Martial Arts Self Defense Training – Ibuki – A Simple Deep Breathing Karate Martial Arts Technique

Martial arts training, in this case karate, disciplines the body and mind to react differently than nature intended. During a self-defense encounter, the body’s natural tendency is fight or flight syndrome. An adrenaline rush causes the body to increase respiration to supply additional oxygen to the muscles for flying. The advantage of the extra oxygen in the blood is the increase in strength and speed for a short period of time to escape.

The downside to increased oxygen levels is seen if a fight breaks out. Too much oxygen in the blood can cause one to pass out or possibly pass out. Learning and maintaining breath control improves all skill levels in martial arts. Training in deep breathing techniques creates the ability to control inhalation and exhalation, making it easier to maintain proper breathing during a self-defense situation. Proper breathing exercises teach control of the abdominal area and strengthen the diaphragm.

Ibuki breathing

  • Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms hanging relaxed at your sides.
  • Take a deep breath through your nose, lift your arms up and across your chest to shoulder level, keeping your hands open.
  • Cross your arms, clench your fists, and squeeze your whole body. Set your breathing in the lower abdomen for a moment. Tighten your abdominal muscles.
  • Make fists with your hands and slowly lower your arms to the sides.
  • Repeat the exercise two more times.

Ibuki breathing emphasizes exhaling through the mouth, not through the nose, forcefully while creating tension in the abdominal muscles. When it seems like all the air has left your lungs, tighten your abdominal muscles even more and push out more air. Ibuki breathing is used to restore breathing after strenuous exercise. It is also used to restore breathing after taking a blow to the abdomen or diaphragm. As always, consult a doctor before beginning any fitness, martial arts, or self-defense training.

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