Microcurrent Facelift VS Laser

It seems that everywhere you look these days, there’s another “laser” facial that promises to make you look younger. However, there are alternatives to painful and invasive laser technology, and one of these emerging technologies is called “micro-current.” It uses a very small current (in the millionth of an amp) that is hardly felt by the customer, and does a lot of good for the face and body.

In today’s world of “bigger is better” and “no pain, no gain” mentality, microcurrent facial rejuvenation offers an alternative to painful rejuvenation treatments. A microcurrent facelift is actually very relaxing and has the potential to increase collagen and elastin production, lift and firm sagging facial muscles, and restore the skin’s youthful glow. It also feeds the body with a current wavelength that supports the overall health and wellness of cells. Customers say they not only look younger and less tired, but also report better sleep, clear sinuses, loss of headaches and jaw pain, and balanced energy. A typical laser treatment can leave you swollen and sore for days, often causing hyperpigmentation or short-term or long-term hair damage. All this in the name of achieving a more youthful appearance! Oh!

Although some laser techniques can diminish wrinkles, if you’ve ever seen someone who’s had a lot of lasers, you’ll have to admit that it doesn’t look natural! Their appearance is plastic, as if they have been blown up too many times. A microcurrent facelift will give you a natural look, like a better, younger person! And while microcurrent is still relatively unknown in the antiaging field, it’s a relief to know that there are healthy, natural technologies available that can take 20 years off your face AND leave you energized and eager for your next treatment. .

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