Mind Over Matter – Secrets to enlarge the penis

There are many ways to get the most out of your penis enlargement program if you are using a realistic method like penis exercises. Here is a piece of advice that will inevitably help all men who follow it.

Most of us have heard the stories of experiments with weights and the basis for overcoming the obstacles of the mind. For those who haven’t, here’s a quick rundown: A weightlifter can be in training and be able to lift 290 pounds. No matter how hard he tries, he just can’t reach his 300-pound goal: he’s stuck at the 290-pound barrier. He has reached an impasse. He knows that he can lift 290 pounds, like he has done before. But no matter what he goes through, he can’t reach that magic mark of 300 pounds that he aspires to.

Without your knowledge, the trainer puts on 300 pounds of weights and tells you it’s only 290. And what happens? Weightlifter can lift 300lbs because he thought it was only 290lbs…Mind over matter. If he knew he could do it, then he could. Even if it was more than he could lift before.

Man sets up blocks for himself in almost every aspect of his life. He is restricted by past experiences, past humiliations and past negative thoughts that he experienced. For example, suppose his third grade math teacher was upset with you because he never turned in his homework on time. And she made the comment to you, “You’ll always be a day late and a dollar short.” At such a young age, such comments can lead to a lifetime of damaging and restrictive thought patterns. All because of some ignorant teacher. The key is to try to discover these demons and get rid of them. It is not an easy task, but if a man can purge himself of these negative influences, he can overcome any form of adversity that comes his way.

Let’s go back to weightlifting and “mind over matter” and penis enlargement. If you think that penis enlargement is a scam or if you think that you will not be able to increase your size, then the battle is already lost. Once you understand that it is possible to enlarge your penis; and you know you can do it, then the rest is a piece of cake. Also, believing in what you are doing will keep you focused and excited about your enlargement program.

Try to stay focused and realize that you can achieve your enlargement goals. If you find any information on the Internet or anywhere else that tells you that penis enlargement is a scam, then it is best to ignore this type of information so that it does not influence your own thoughts. Everyone is an “expert” these days. Just like when all the “experts” claimed the earth was once flat. Or all the medical “experts” who said acupuncture was nonsense… That’s right, everyone considers themselves an “expert”, whether they really are or not.

It is important that you do your homework and find out which enlargement methods are worth your time. Many men have had luck with stretching devices, weights, and exercising the penis. Learn about techniques like this that really work; then believe and understand that you can get positive results. A lot of it, really, is in the mind.

To learn serious penis and sexual enlargement techniques that will take you to your fullest potential, read the book IRON MAN PENIS – THE RUSSIAN SYSTEM.

Sincerely, Georg von Neumann

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