MLM and the Great Parade of Lifeless Packaging

The new age parallels of positive thinking, inspirational and successful social media quotes, wealth and prosperity advice, and the desires of many to navigate a challenging economy have given rise to a new wave of proliferation of business opportunities since home.

MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) or Human Based Marketing is the new fashion in today’s society. Referral-based marketing models are appearing in most consumer segments and product categories. From one-off one-off purchases to a multitude of juice clubs, one-stop shopping portals offering discount prices on every consumer need in life, to greeting cards, legal and financial services. Most of which are based on initial sign-up packets, automatic shipments, and ongoing entries on your monthly credit card statements.

Many forms of network marketing methods, from Pampered Chef and Tupperware house parties to theater gatherings geared toward promoting regular everyday nutritional products as miracle cures, mesmerizing presentations peppered with testimonials, inspiring wealth-in-a-can stories, and declarations of provocative value propositions designed to impact people. act without further investigation. Breakout groups, 5-minute dating formats applied to product or service networking, and educational trainings via FREE webinars on the internet that drive additional signups. Everything from the exciting to the monotonous and mundane is available and marketed to those looking to supplement their monthly results.

Referral platforms are appearing in more corporate settings masquerading as profit-sharing programs, like the business model of the Keller Williams Real Estate company, which has drawn praise from educational institutions like Stanford University. Other real estate companies such as Exit Realty, Intero and Sellstate have joined this contracting platform since the success of Keller Williams. With home sales plummeting nationwide, agents along with their mortgage counterparts have been targeted by MLM recruiters as many of these independent contractors struggle to make ends meet.

When so many people are suffering while the middle of the month equals the end of money, the hype of prosperity through network marketing and home-based businesses captures the interest of multitudes of simple-minded blue-collar workers. The promise of wealth packaged in the illusion of sailing the islands of Hawaii by drinking Mai Tai can be further eased by the suggestion that anyone can succeed like the leaders who claim they have weathered their own financial woes by jumping aboard, experiencing untold fortunes. . Like a dancer in the night

Facts tell, stories SELL, and all other enrollment approaches are supported to move crowds to these shows without censorship or due diligence. While some of these companies may appear to have a higher quality product, many of them are of the same or lesser quality than what we can buy at our local discount food market. Even the latest weight loss craze has found its answer in the Shakeology PX90 movement.

This company offers its distributors (Trainers) existing customers to respond to its infomercials in the hope that its multi-level minded Trainers can sell them additional nutritional products that contain what appear to be the everyday ingredients found in most commercial brands. protein and meal replacement products found in all health stores and most major gyms across the country at nearly half the cost.

While I may seem angry about this, perhaps even negative, my message here is really the opposite. All of the above exist in our society and I can also stand on my rostrum and say that all is well. I, too, have joined a dozen of them in the last 30 years and have found some of the best products on the market, though few of them matched my long-term financial expectations.

The message here is that most opportunities are seized by applying little intelligence and before finding a match with the passions of the heart. It should be a project that combines your passions with where you place the legacy you want to aspire to, while synchronizing with the reality of the current opportunity. For those who really want to succeed in an effort that can be shown to pay off based on the efforts of the people making that sale rather than a payout that benefits those at the top, I encourage you to contact me. I spent years examining the marketing protocols of both the traditional and the modern, while also supporting a compassionate approach to the human potential movement. I will share with you what can deeply vibrate with your sincere desire to help others.

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Bryan Riddley

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