MLM Lead Generation – Creating A Blog To Get More Leads

MLM lead generation can be a time-consuming task, but it is obviously necessary to build a successful network marketing business. What I see most of the time is so many new recruits struggling to find and implement a plan of action that works for them. Many try this and that without giving any strategy enough time to work, or get stuck in analysis paralysis wondering what the right next step is. When any of these things happen, a new network marketer is doomed to fail.

Having an action plan and sticking to it consistently is what it takes to be successful in network marketing. One approach you can take to successful MLM lead generation that has proven effective is to create a blog. You can use free platforms like or Blogger, or if you’re already hosting yourself, you can set up a WordPress blog on your own hosting account.

Regardless of what you choose, there are just a few search engine optimization (SEO) basics you need to know to get started on the right foot:

1. Choose a keyword phrase that people would use to search for and find your blog. This means that you will have to brainstorm a lot of different phrases that are not too competitive. For example, “work at home” will be too competitive. How can I know? Do a Google search with quotes around your term and see how many other competing websites there are. You want to find a phrase that has less than 200k results when you type it into Google with quotes.

2. Create a list of as many keyword phrases that fit the above criteria and then go to the Google Keyword Tool. Type your phrases one by one to see how many searches each gets per month. You’d like to see these numbers as large as possible: 5000 would be nice, but anything above 800 is fine.

3. Take your most searched phrase and give your blog a name in its URL (for example, or Please note that you generally may not use trademarked names in your title.

4. The rest of your phrases can be the titles of your blog posts. Make sure to use your main keyword multiple times throughout your posts, but don’t overdo it.

5. Write related articles and submit them to places like Ezine and then in your author box direct readers to your blog.

6. Create a Hubpage and Squidoo lens and place a link to your blog in the lens.

This will start you off on the right foot for “natural” MLM lead generation. People finding your blog and other articles are laser targeted traffic. They are looking for you instead of you having to look for them. What I’ve described is the beginning of something that can be as complex as you want, but if you’re just starting out, it’s the perfect way to start off on the right foot.

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