My tactics to get those top 5 places on Google

Being #1 is actually the best, but I’ll settle for top 5 or even anywhere on the first page for very competitive keywords. Obviously getting those top rankings for your targeted keywords in Google is going to be very important to achieving your goals online.

I don’t have a magic formula, just online marketing stuff that works. Very simple things that everyone can do to get those top rankings. Here are some of the tactics/things I do:

– article marketing through free article directories

– create videos on my niche products

– make blog posts in my niche areas

– make press releases for my specific products

– create free ebook guides on my subject areas

– create separate lists for each major market niche with follow up emails

– participate in online forums with my added signed links

– make regular tweets about any new content

– find out the main backlinks of my competitors and duplicate them

– create Google alerts for my top keywords and add comments/links to the ones I like

– keep adding new content pages to my sites keyword to phrases used by buyers

Come to think of it, some of them are not that simple, but most webmasters can do it easily. Or you can have someone else make them for you, for example I make my videos for myself as I just don’t have the time or experience to make them myself. If you’re bad at writing or short on time, you can even get someone else to write your articles for you too. The same goes for your web content, but you need to be careful and make sure it is of the highest standard.

Still, these tactics are pretty basic online marketing things anyone can do to get those higher rankings. Perhaps what many webmasters don’t realize, getting and keeping your keywords on the first page of Google takes a lot of work and time. For very competitive keywords, I usually work for a year to get to those top spots. Sometimes it takes a lot less if your content (an article or video) goes viral and hits a lot of sites, that happens, but for me it’s mostly about building consistent one-way quality links back to the page or site I want sort out. high.

However, it is this time factor that DEFEATS most people, who do not have the patience or resources to wait. After a couple of months they give up and walk away believing that all this internet marketing stuff is for the birds.

Don’t get the wrong idea, there are probably programs and systems out there that will give you instant success on the web. I just haven’t found them yet, nor am I really looking for them since I figured out how to get them. rankings and earn money on the web. The problem, however, is that it usually takes about a year or two of hard work before the serious money starts to flow.

There are exceptions, if you are good at writing articles you can get immediate traffic and some sales. The same goes if you like to make videos and they become popular and appear on Google… you will make some sales.

However, for consistent targeted traffic that flows regularly and maintains sales each day, then you will need to maintain those top search engine rankings for your keywords, especially on Google. Once you get those top rankings, I think you need to maintain them by continuing to build links by writing articles, making posts, creating videos…and so on.

My goals are very modest, I am doing affiliate marketing or sales where I usually get 2%-5% as I am promoting high end electronics that offer low commissions. I also do some ClickBank type information products where the commission rates are much higher: 50% or more.

I also focus most of my time on products/services that give me recurring income: making a sale and earning a percentage for years to come. The trick here is to promote products where once customers sign up they tend to keep these products for years…services like web hosting, autoresponder services, phone services, internet services, etc.

If you have your own products, your daily profit will be much higher, the same if you do dropshipping… but that also brings other complications and concerns. I like affiliate marketing before it suits my lifestyle, I refer the sales or customers and the merchant does the rest.

Now, I’ve also found that if you target longer keyword phrases that have low traffic but also a lot less competition, you can generate sales in a matter of months, sometimes weeks. This “long tail marketing” as it is called, is faster but you have to cover a lot of ground to be successful.

I prefer to choose “mid-range” keywords that have competition, but if you work hard, you’ll land on the first page of Google. I usually stick to keywords that have around 1,000 to 10,000 searches per month. Very popular keywords that get hundreds of thousands or millions of searches. I don’t bother because I know I can’t compete with the multinational companies that get most of this traffic.

So it’s all about choosing the keyword battles where you have a good chance of winning. Do you need to do a lot of research to see who is ranking for these keywords, what kind of backlinks do they have, and what kind of resources are they investing to get/maintain those rankings?

I also check who owns the domains in the top five places or on the first page, if a person or company owns 4 or 5 of these sites, it means that they will have their hands full trying to compete for the top. places.

A simple strategy to get those top spots on Google is to create two or three keyword domains that are competing for the top spot. Link them up and one or, in most cases, all of them will land in the top three or four positions. For lucrative keywords, this can be very profitable because your sites receive the majority of web traffic for those keywords.

However, keep in mind that in many niche markets, top companies are now hiring writers, SEO services, and webmasters to get those top spots.

It can be unnerving at times: imagine you’re a small webmaster operating in a niche for years and suddenly you have four or five top brand multi-million dollar companies competing with you for the same keywords in search engines. This happened to me and to Google’s credit, small webmasters still have a chance to keep their places on the first page.

Anyone can guess how long it will be before these little webmasters disappear entirely, but I think for very lucrative keywords it’s only a matter of time before these big companies throw as much ad revenue and SEO resources into getting those top spots. they have a very small chance of keeping their keywords.

Fortunately, there are countless small niche markets and products that an online seller can target and rank well on Google with just a little hard work and patience. Using some of the tactics listed above will get you into those top 5 spots on Google, just give them and yourself some time to hit your targets.

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