Negotiator Questionnaire: Would you say these statements are correct or incorrect?

Take the quiz by answering these seven questions on how to negotiate better.

1. It is better not to connect with the other party before a negotiation, because it will be more difficult for you to be strong and forceful in the negotiation and they may try to use the relationship to manipulate you.

-Correct incorrect

Wrong. Better-prepared negotiators are more likely to succeed, and an essential part of this preparation is understanding the other side. You will never be able to reach a successful and sustainable agreement unless you satisfy the other party’s interests, satisfy their stakeholders, and conform to their system. The more you can learn about these, the better your chances of designing an offer that has the highest perceived value for them. You need a strong relationship based on mutual respect that allows you to be assertive without being aggressive and to respond appropriately to any attempts at manipulation, and if you can begin to build this relationship before you get to the negotiating table, you will increase your chances of success.

2. Good negotiators emphasize their assertiveness with aggressive demands and unexpected disclosures to put the other party ‘on the defensive’.

-Correct incorrect

Wrong. It has been shown that if you ‘go hard’, the other party’s reaction is likely to be:

• They will share less information with you

• They will be inclined to grant less

Of course, this is going to limit trading.

3. It is preferable to put your offers on the table as soon as possible to see what the position of each one is.

-Correct incorrect

Wrong. Research shows that late offers lead to better deals than early offers. The discussion you have before placing your offer is crucial. It allows you to verify the assumptions on which your planned offer is based. You can even get information from them about their priorities, causing you to change your opening offer. Once one side makes an offer, the other side responds and the negotiation begins. The problem is that once the negotiation starts, the exchange of information stops.

4. It is best to get the other party to make their offer first; because you can understand your position and make sure you don’t accidentally offer too much.

-Correct incorrect

Wrong. In just over half of the cases studied, the party that made the first offer performed better due to ‘anchoring’: the first number mentioned influences all subsequent offers. Of course, you must be prepared for both options; but don’t let misplaced priorities make you give them the upper hand.

5. A smart negotiator uses their discussion and negotiation skills to get the other party to commit more than planned.

-Correct incorrect

Wrong. If I outmaneuver him in negotiations, it is likely to cause resentment that will poison any future relationship. Up to 75% of agreements fail to be implemented; and one of the main causes is that the relationship was damaged in the negotiation. You can’t aggressively obtain a deal from someone and then expect them to form a healthy working relationship with you.

6. The most efficient way to reach agreement is to separate the issues and agree on each one individually.

-Correct incorrect

Wrong. While this may seem like a sensible and simple procedure, it will compromise the value of each side. Integrating the issues will make the discussions more complex, but will most likely result in the most satisfaction for both parties.

7. Once an agreement is reached, it is best to end the discussion as soon as possible.

-Correct incorrect

Wrong. An agreement is not the end of your employment relationship, it is the beginning of it. The late Professor Howard Raiffa of Harvard created the concept of a post-deal agreement because he found that once negotiating parties had eased tension by reaching a basic agreement, they could often add more value to the deal for each other in subsequent discussions. .

Be a smart negotiator and don’t fall for these seven negotiation mistakes.

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