New generation offers free education to save the planet

If one considers all the problems facing the environment and society in general, one knows that qualified and educated people are likely to be the ones to find effective solutions. It is highly unlikely that the Baby Boomer Generation or Generation X will have solved the problems of climate change, the economy and international relations in the next twenty years. It is more likely that humanity will take several generations to repair the damage caused by the greed of some large corporations and by the production of goods that are not friendly to the environment. Furthermore, prevention will be necessary to ensure that disasters do not occur and that the larger nations get along. For all these reasons, young people deserve to receive a free and quality education that satisfies both their personal needs and those of society. Your education would not only meet the needs of business, it could meet a greater need to save the planet. Without such quality education in schools (both online and offline), future generations will have to suffer due to the inadvertent, albeit careless mistakes of their ancestors.

Young people need education to ensure that their country’s infrastructure is in excellent condition. Without it, they will not be prepared to maintain bridges, roads, and public property. For example, on August 14, 2018, the Morandi Bridge abruptly fell in Genoa, Italy, just one day before the Italian summer vacation known as “Ferragosto.” One cannot help but suspect that such a disaster could have been avoided if there had been informed experts to control the quality of the bridge. Therefore, well-educated people are needed to pick up the pieces of the bridge and ensure that future structures are safe and secure.

Second, many citizens of the world have forgotten that a few generations ago people died from contagious diseases. All one has to do is look at genealogical records to discover that it was common to lose parents, children, and family members to diseases such as the Spanish flu in 1918 and smallpox, which was eradicated in the 1980s. refused to study history. Immunization Scientists need to be educated to investigate the efficacy of various vaccines while developing superior cures that can be used in the future. More importantly, the young experts will be armed to combat any disease that may appear in the future.

Meanwhile, most people have thought about global warming. Those who believe in their existence fear for the future of their children and grandchildren. Without having received a satisfactory science education, people of all ages feel that their hands are tied. Many don’t realize how small changes can improve the weather. Also, they would like to convince people in positions of power to change production techniques to protect the land. In the event that change does not occur, young people want to improve their communication skills to achieve radical change. Unfortunately, many would-be nature advocates can’t even afford the college degrees that would allow them to make a compelling case in a court of law.

Notably, many occupations have disappeared as robots, artificial intelligence, and other digital tools have taken over. This means that great minds are needed to determine how the future economy will be structured to provide food, shelter and comfort for those who are working fewer hours or who cannot find a job. Experts will be needed to help organize programs that involve people in pleasurable humanitarian causes, as well as artistic and leisure activities. Perhaps lifelong learning will become more important and people will become more altruistic.

Last but not least, much remains to be done in space and in the ocean. Naturally, young people need opportunities to study fields like oceanology, astronomy, and biology without being saddled with debt. Marine life still needs to be saved and protected from water pollution, while space junk needs to be carefully monitored. Natural resources must be protected, while various animal species must be cared for, even reintroduced into the environment.

Many people argue that students will not appreciate education if they do not have to pay a lot of money for it. Such individuals insist that students will waste valuable resources. Fortunately, some universities and even nations like Germany have shown that free or very cheap education can and does produce effective results. Germany (2018) offers to educate anyone who is accepted to its universities, but it should not be necessary for everyone to move to Germany to receive this benefit when many need and want to continue working in their home countries while studying. However, people tend to make considerably less money today than they did in the 1960s when inflation is taken into account; therefore, families with two working parents typically cannot afford their children’s college degrees, even when they would like to.

The unexplored and unread future remains a mystery to be revealed. Thus, it is possible that young workers, well equipped with a quality education, may be the problem solvers and geniuses of the future. Such great minds should not be wasted when young adults sincerely wish to contribute to the common good. They will turn the keys to the not too distant future once they receive the education they deserve, regardless of their religion, social status, creed, color, gender, or nationality. Students are able to communicate internationally in English as they are given the necessary tools and ability to communicate their ideas. Furthermore, students could improve the universe by creating stylish electric cars that are eco-friendly, inventing useful tools, understanding that universal compassion wins war, and possessing new academic knowledge. Much remains to be discovered for a well-educated society of young people who communicate freely and openly, optimistically eager to learn. Making learning free for all benefits everyone, no matter how young or old, as it will generate new solutions to problems that have not been solved in the past.

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