Organic Gardening with Nature

Beneficial organisms that live in the soil are killed by the use of toxic chemicals in both pesticides and synthetic chemical fertilizers. Therefore, more and more toxic chemicals must be used to maintain the system to the point where an addiction to those chemicals forms.

Simply switching from synthetic chemicals to organics does NOT fix the problem caused by toxic chemicals.

If we only use organic products that kill pests, weeds and diseases, the problem has not been solved and the new “organic producer” will not be successful.

If we try to prevent anything from being in our landscape or gardens except the “crop” (shrubs, grass, edibles, etc.) we are growing, we are doomed to fail! Nature will defend itself! You CANNOT win a war against nature!

The “change” must involve a completely new approach that requires working with nature and not fighting it.

The toxic chemical approach tries to suppress the symptoms of the problem rather than fix the problem. By simply trying to suppress the symptoms (diseases, pests, and poor fertility), the problem often gets worse and worse, leading to ever-increasing use of chemicals. This results in a loss of nutrients, as well as the leaching of toxic chemicals from the soil and contamination of our water systems.

This all happens because beneficial soil life, normally present in healthy soil, is lost!

The key to sustainable landscaping, as in organic gardening, is to recognize the power of beneficial microorganisms, elements little known or understood by the general public.

Organic farming is different from the use of chemicals for several important reasons:

First, we need to have most of the nutrients present in the soil in non-leachable forms most of the time.

Also, we need to have the mechanisms in that soil to convert “unavailable plant nutrients” to “available nutrients” in the root zone, for the most part, not far from the roots.

The mechanisms for doing this are beneficial microbes, including bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, and microarthopods.

All of these microbes have beneficial species and disease species. Beneficial species are found naturally in healthy growth systems.

Simply putting high-quality, expensive organic nutrients in your garden or lawn is NOT likely to result in great plant growth UNLESS the right microbes are present.

Beneficial bacteria and fungi are needed. First, to break down any residual toxic chemicals. Then to retain the nutrients so they are not leachable (and are not lost when water moves through the soil).

Finally, the protozoa and nematodes must eat bacteria and fungi to release the bound nutrients into a plant-available form. Anything that is missing must be replaced to restore normal nutrient cycling.

Microbes also restructure the soil by creating air passages and cavities that allow water and air to be retained within the soil, so considerably less water needs to be used.

The plants will contain more nutrients and will have strengthened their immune systems to become resistant to troublesome pests and diseases, leading to much healthier plants. Maintaining a healthy population of 70% beneficial microbes in the soil and on plant surfaces will foster a kind of protective environment that will thwart any disease-causing organisms that may show up, simply outcompeting them for food and space.

I propose that “sustainable landscaping” be a “work in progress”. It happens slowly, especially when we stay attentive to the process. Use the list below to serve as a starting point that we can continually implement throughout the seasons to the best of our ability.

1. Aerobic compost must be added to the soil to restore the necessary beneficial life.
2. Feed your soil with compost, seaweed, humic acid, and other organic materials.
3. Do not use pesticides, herbicides and synthetic fertilizers.
4. Do not compact the soil.
5. Rotate crops.
6. Do not till your soil.
7. Recycle organic matter.
8. Use diversity in your plantings.
9. Choose the right plant for the right place.


10 steps to gardening with nature
by Carole Ann Rollins and Elaine Ingham
Posted by Gardening with Nature,
Novato, Calif.; 2011

life on the ground
A guide for naturalists and gardeners
by James B. Nardi
Published by University of Chicago Press
Chicago, IL; 2007

Teaming up with microbes
A Gardener’s Guide to the Soil Food Web
by Jeff Lowenfels and Wayne Lewis
Published by Timber Press
Portland, Oregon; 2006

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