The story of a ghost (Fictional short story)

In the late afternoon, I was sitting on the firm surface of my bed. I can’t go back to sleep; At the louver, I waited until the last light of the sun peeked through the louvers. At that time I was in such anguish that it made my eyes...

Time to walk the tax tightrope again

Money moves the world and taxes are part of that mechanism. As a businessman or a woman, that also makes you a part of it, whether you like it or not. So how do you make sure you pay the right amount of tax? Very little gets you into...

The groundhog day technique

I have found an interesting technique that is helping me improve my life. I got some of this technique from the book Awakened Imagination by Neville Goddard. It has a chapter on giving of yourself and recreating your day, as you would have liked it to be, in your...

How to get over a girl when she doesn’t like you

When there’s a girl you really like but she doesn’t talk back to you, it really sucks. You can continue trying to impress her or you can try to move on and forget her. But first you need to learn how to get over a girl. It’s hard to...

Tips for Refinancing Unseasoned and Newly Listed Investment Property

One of the most frequently asked questions regarding fix and flip real estate investment financing is how to refinance newly listed, inexperienced investment properties. This is especially true for those investors who have houses on the market that are not moving and that were bought with hard money. Real...

GEO – Grand Epic Online Game Review

Grand Epic Online is without a doubt the most attractive browser-based MMORPG on the Internet. Although it describes itself as a 2.5D dungeon crawler, the graphics are beautifully animated. The feudal Japanese style of the game will surprise many fans of the RPG genre around the world. Before starting...

How important is effective communication in the workplace?

Effective communication in the workplace is necessary for a friendly and conducive work environment. When people don’t communicate effectively, their productivity drops and everyone gets stressed. Below are some common problems that prevent effective communication. These can be overcome by simply minimizing or even eliminating them. Keep in mind...

well it’s autumn

I have been collecting many project ideas from friends, magazines, various art shows, and of course special requests from family and friends. Some of the things I like to make are wooden bowls, walking sticks, cutting boards, cabinets, and basically anything that gets my creativity flowing. I have been...

How to avoid HYIP tricks and earn great money!

If you’ve been into HYIP before, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Let me give you a brief introduction, a brief introduction, the High Yield Investing Program, also known as HYIP, is a type of investment program that earns high interest rates ranging from 5% to 250% per month,...