Pokémon Ruby Gameshark codes

Pokemon Ruby, like any other game in the Pokemon series, has no cheats that you can use to get ahead and catch more / rarer Pokemon. Fortunately, there are a number of Gameshark codes that you can use to do just about anything in the game, like choosing which wild Pokémon to appear (this can even be done to make Mew appear), to unlock new items.

So for those wondering ‘What is Gameshark? What does it do and how can I use it? ‘Wonder no more. Basically, a Gameshark device is used to modify video games and unlock new cheats that could not be unlocked otherwise. For example, with Pokémon Ruby Gameshark codes, you can do things that would otherwise be impossible in the game. While using a Gameshark may not be for everyone, it definitely has its advantages. There is a similar device that does something similar, called Action Replay.

To start using Pokemon Ruby Gameshark codes, you first need to enter the master code, which basically sets up the game for Gameshark use. This code is:

530823D9 16558191

Some of my favorite codes include: teaching my Pokémon any HM / TM / Move that I like, the ‘walk through walls’ code, the ‘quick hatch from the egg’ code (meaning you can breed Pokémon faster than ever, one of my favorite things to do), and the code to catch a wild Latias (one of the most legendary psychic / dragon-type Pokémon of all). A word of caution though, only use these codes if you are sure that you will never enter an official Nintendo Pokémon tournament, as all games that have been modified are prohibited.

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