Popcorn: the sensational delight

POP! POP! POP! Popcorn is truly a treat for the senses. That national-sense! Not many foods can claim to have such a big impact when it comes to all five senses. Making popcorn is a delight for the eyes, the ears, the nose, the mouth. When the kernels start to pop, it’s like a little fireworks display, right in your kitchen!

Popcorn is also a snack that gives you a wide range of options – there are multiple ways to cook it, with nearly endless seasoning options. Popcorn can be tasty, salty, sweet, spicy… it all depends on the chef!

There are three basic types of popcorn machines on the market today: air poppers, microwave poppers, and oil poppers.

Air popcorn makes the healthiest popcorn. Air poppers are basically big hair dryers repurposed to make popcorn. Did you know that nutrition experts are starting to consider popcorn a superfood? Their shells have an extreme concentration of healthy stuff. Despite the health benefits of air popping, there are problems in heaven: the popcorn leaves some kernels unpopped, sometimes the machine will eject the kernels prematurely, and the popcorn tends to come out a bit mushy.

Then we have microwave poppers, which look like little more than a microwave-safe container with a lid. These have a lot of problems, but they are incredibly convenient and easy to clean. You have to experiment with different power settings to get the popcorn right, the bowl gets very hot in the microwave and the bowls can even burn and crack when cooking. The covers can be deformed. When new, they can give off a plastic smell that ends up flavoring your popcorn. Despite all this, some people still like these because of their convenience.

Next, we have the oil poppers. This is the type of popper used in theaters, but there are two main varieties: stovetop units and freestanding electric units.

Stovetop poppers can make fantastic popcorn, as long as it’s the right temperature. Cleaning can be difficult, as these units tend to have several moving parts to clean. When cooked right, they can make amazing popcorn. And you can even use them over campfires. My experience with these has been less than stellar – I burned the popcorn.

Finally, there are stand-alone electric units, which work much like the machines movie theaters use: An electric hot plate heats up to an ideal temperature, and the popcorn they produce tastes tasty. Some can be a bit of a pain to clean, as you don’t want to get any electrical parts wet while cleaning.

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